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What is the Irish pub culture is known internationally for?

So warm and so welcoming is the Irish pub that it can be seen as distillation of the Irish spirit of hospitality, the perfect place to find good conversation, better people, and the best of Irish traditional music. Whether it’s far down a country road or deep in the heart of the city, the Irish pub is as unique to Ireland as a fingerprint.

How does the Ireland's Call depict the Irish strife for unification

Ireland's Call

(Phil Coulter)

Come the day and come the hour
Come the power and the glory
We have come to answer
Our Country's call
From the four proud provinces of Ireland

Ireland, Ireland
Together standing tall
Shoulder to shoulder
We'll answer Ireland's call

From the mighty Glens of Antrim
From the rugged hills of Galway
From the walls of Limerick
And Dublin Bay
From the four proud provinces of Ireland

Ireland, Ireland
Together standing tall
Shoulder to shoulder
We'll answer Ireland's call

Hearts of steel
And heads unbowing
Vowing never to be broken
We will fight, until
We can fight no more
From the four proud provinces of Ireland

Ireland, Ireland
Together standing tall
Shoulder to shoulder
We'll answer Ireland's call

Ireland's Call is a song commissioned by the Irish Rugby Football Union for use at international Rugby Union fixtures. It has since also been adopted by the Irish Hockey, Cricket, Rugby League and A1GP teams.

Northern Ireland

What larger country is Northern Ireland part of?

The united Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

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