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Exercise 2. Complete the following sentences.

1.Last summer Nick spent his holidays….2. His schoolmate moved there some years ago….3.He went there…. 4.He booked his ticket.....5. He rang up the air-travel booking office and reserved a seat for….. 6." Will you come for your ticket yourself or do you want it delivered? " ….7. " I'd like my ticket delivered, please, " said Nick, because he did not want to waste his time going to the booking office….8. The plane to London took off at 9 a.m., but he had to be at the airport an hour before….9. Nick's seat was near the porthole and he could see how they took off in St.Petersburg and…. 10.They were flying at a height of six thousand metres, so Nick could see …

Exercise 3. Decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.

Most people enjoy going (1)........for their holidays, and having the opportunity to (2).......... in an interesting city or a seaside (3)........ If you speak (4)...... languages, you can make new friends, and (5).....home some interesting (6)....... as presents. But before you can do that, you have to (7)....... your destination, and that is often a problem! If you fly, then you may find that your flight has been (8)........ (9)....... by train can also be difficult, since trains are often (10)...... in the summer, and you might have to reserve a (11)....... in advance. Whichever way you (12)......, you can have problems with your (13)......., and it is often difficult to find good (14)......... Apart from this, you might not be to afford the (15)......!



1. A out B forward C abroad D foreign

2. A remain B pass C spend D stay


3. A resort B post C too D one


4. A strange B stranger C foreigner D foreign


5. A fetch B take C go D get


6. A memories B souvenirs C memoirs D recollections


7. A reach B arrive C go D travel


8. A waited B reversed C delayed D booked


9. A Journeys B Travels C Voyages D Passes


10. A filling B occupied C overdone D crowded


11. A post B chair C seat D position


12. A voyage B travel C trip D tour


13. A baggages B luggage C goods D sacks


14. A staying B homes C lodges D accommodation


15. A fare B fair C far D fur

Exercise 4.Insert the words.

1.Last summer Nick ______ his holidays in London. 2.He _______ his ticket in advance. 3." I'd like my ticket _________, please, " said Nick. 4. He did not want to waste his time going to the booking office and standing _________. 5. Nick's seat was near__________ and he could see how they took off in St.Petersburg and landed in London. 6.The hostess offered the passengers some _______ and soft drinks. 7.When at last his turn came, he said to the booking-office clerk: " Please, I want a ticket to St.Petersburg for the fourth of August with _________ in Moscow.” 8.When he arrived in Moscow, he___________ the time-table and saw that there were ten trains to ST.Petersburg. 9. It did not take him long ________ his ticket. 10.Nick had a lower ________ in a separate compartment.

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