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Vocabulary. 1. Transcribe the words:

1. Transcribe the words:

craft, lighter-than-air, heavier-than-air, float, weight, circus balloon, helium gas, kite, hot-air balloon, air-filled bag, envelope, keep afloat, buoyant, burner, molecules, dense, steer, engine, fin, issue, inflate

2. Match the words from the texts (1-5) with their synonyms (A-E):

  steer A powered balloon
  airship B fly
  shape C skin
  envelope D outline
  engine E motor

3. Explain in English and then translate the following words and expressions into Russian:

to fly through the air, a lighter-than-air craft, weight keeps it down, hot-air balloons, an air-filled bag

4. Match the words from the texts (1-10) with the definitions (A-J):

  airship A the structure within a balloon or non-rigid airship containing the gas
  balloon B a part of a cooker, lamp, etc. that emits a flame
  kite C a flexible container with an opening
  bag D a toy consisting of a light frame with thin material stretched over it, flown in the wind at the end of a long string
  envelope E able to keep something afloat
  buoyant F a power-driven aircraft that is kept buoyant by a body of gas (usually helium, formerly hydrogen) which is lighter than air
  burner G a group of atoms bonded together, representing the smallest fundamental unit of a chemical compound that can take part in a chemical reaction
  molecule H a large bag filled with hot air or gas to make it rise in the air, typically one carrying a basket for passengers
  steer I a small flattened projecting surface or attachment on an aircraft, rocket, or car, for providing aerodynamic stability
  fin J guide or control the movement of (a vehicle, vessel, or aircraft), for example by turning a wheel or operating a rudder

5. Find in the texts the English equivalents for the following words and expressions:

(1) two kinds of airplane, (2) a vehicle can fly, (3) sample, (4) upside, (5) contour, (6) dimension, (7) gas-bag, (8) throw back, (9) decelerate, (10) to return into the bag, (11) drive, (12) sail, (13) blow, (14) leave out, (15) shell

6. Complete the text with the words from the box

drag flown passengers pressure
forces direction aerial wing
lift steerable applications aircraft

A kite is a tethered (1). The necessary (2) that makes the kite wing fly is generated when air flows over and under the kite's (3), producing low (4) above the wing and high pressure below it. This deflection also generates horizontal (5) along the (6) of the wind. Kites may be (7) for recreation, art or other practical uses. Sport kites can be flown in (8) ballet, sometimes as part of a competition. Power kites are multi-line (9) kites designed to generate large (10) which can be used to power activities such as kite surfing, kite fishing and a new trend snow kiting. Kites towed behind boats can lift (11) which has had useful military (12) in the past.

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