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Early aeronautics

aeronautics air wings machines
scientists flight kites flew
engineering aerodynamics fly mechanism

The first mention of aeronautics in history came in the writings of ancient Egyptians who described the (1) of birds. Aeronautics also finds mention in ancient China where people flew (2) thousands of years ago. The medieval Islamic (3) were not far behind, as they understood the actual (4) of bird flight. Before scientific investigation (5) was started, people started thinking of ways to (6). In a Greek legend, Icarus and his father Daedalus built (7) of feathers and wax and (8) out of prison. When people started to study scientifically how to fly, people began to understand the basics of (9) and (10). Leonardo da Vinci studied the flight of birds in developing (11) schematics for some of the earliest (12) flying in the late fifteenth century.

7. Answer the following questions. Begin your answers with such introductory phrases as: as far as I know; as far as I remember; to my mind; certainly; it's hard to tell; probably; of course; if I am not mistaken etc.

1) How is aeronautics defined?

2) What does aerodynamics deal with?

3) What laws and concepts did Newton develop?

4) What principle did Daniel Bernoulli develop?

5) What contribution to the understanding of flight did the Asian cultures make?

6) What forces are involved in flight?

7) What do airplane designers do to improve airplane performance and safety?

8. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Наблюдения за летающими птицами дало человеку идею полета человека.

2. Первые научные принципы полета человека появились в 14-м веке.

3. В 1903 году братья Уилбер и Орвилл Райт построили свой самолет.

4. Самолет братьев Райт был самолетом с двигателем внутреннего сгорания.

5. В 1913 году русский конструктор Игорь Сикорский построил первый в мире многомоторный самолет.

6. В начале 20-го века был изобретен дирижабль.
7. Среди пионеров авиации имена авиационных конструкторов Туполева, Поликарпова, Сухого, Архангельского, Ильюшина, Яковлева и др.


Give a 5-minute presentation on the following topics. Remember that communication skill is not something you are born with. Effective communication is a skill, which can be acquired.

1.Aerodynamics and Birds

2. The discovery of universal gravitation by Newton.

3. The contribution to the understanding of flight made by the Asian cultures.

4. The classification and definition of forces involved in flight.

5. Why do kites and balloons fly?

Communication Communication means sharing ideas and information. The speaker must: · be very clear about what information he wants to get across; · remember that communication is not a one-way process and that the feedback from the listener will show how his message was interpreted; · understand that communication is a dynamic, flexible process. The Basic Forms of Communication 1. Public Speaking · refers to presentation of a speech to an audience of more than one; · is characterized by one person’s holding central attention. 2. Group Speaking · takes place in committees, boards, task groups; · is restricted by a particular procedure or agenda; participants take turns in speaking. 3. Interpersonal Communication · refers to face-to-face interaction between two people in public or in private; · is controlled by generally accepted social rules of behavior.

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