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The right is a system of obligatory rules of the behavior (norms) established or authorized by the state by means of which the most important interests of the individual and society are realized.

The law is the normative legal act possessing the highest validity, accepted by the supreme body of legislature (parlamenkty), or the people (referendum), regulating the most important public relations.

The institute of the right is a set of rules of law regulating separate, rather independent type of the uniform public relations.

The rule of law is an obligatory rule of behavior or authorized by the state, formally fixed in a quality of an obligatory or possible implementer of interest.

Offense - is illegal, public, dangerous and harmful to the subjects of the law is guilty of an act or omission of the right-of capable legal entity.

State - is a special organization of the political (public) power company, with its special device to control the range of general affairs, giving the dictates of their universally binding.

Constitutional law is the main branch of the national legal system of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Constitutional law regulates relations form the basis of the unit of Kazakhstan's society and state relations connected with the exercise of public authority, and the relationship between the individual and the state.

Administrative law - the branch of law that regulates the social relations arising in the process of government, during the formation of the executive power, to establish their competence, responsibilities, rights and responsibilities of civil servants, as well as in the implementation of public order, life, rights and freedoms of citizens.

Civil law is the branch of law, which is a set of rules governing the commodity-money and the other based on the equality of participants in the property relations, as well as related to property and personal non-property relations.

Entrepreneurship - this initiative activity of citizens and legal entities, irrespective of ownership, aimed at generating net income by meeting the demand for goods (works, services) based on private ownership (private enterprise) or the right to run state-owned enterprise (public enterprise).

The judiciary - is used in criminal, civil and other forms of statutory authority the court proceedings aimed at the review and resolution of all cases and disputes about the violation of rights.

The financial structure of the state include: the financial system of the state as a set of public money funds, the financial system of the state and financial regulation.

The budget law - a section of the Special Part of the Financial Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which regulates relations arising in the process of organizing the budgetary system, as well as in connection with the formation, distribution and use of the organization of the central and local budgets.

Employment law - is the branch of law that regulates labor relations arising in the implementation of the citizens' constitutional right to freedom of labor between the employer and the employee regarding the implementation of certain parties to work on the basis of individual, collective and other agreements.

Criminal law is the branch of law, which is the body of law established by law, which defines the criminal act and punishable, as well as the grounds of criminal responsibility and exemptions.

Environmental law - is an independent branch of Kazakh law, which is designed to study the activity of the state in the field of legal regulation of natural resources and environmental protection.

The judiciary - is used in criminal, civil and other forms of statutory authority the court proceedings aimed at the review and resolution of all cases and disputes about the violation of rights.

Court. The Court, as a judicial body, administers justice in criminal cases. Any criminal case may be heard only legitimate, independent, competent and impartial panel of judges. The powers of the court as the bearer of the judiciary are determined by law.

Attorney - official exercising within its competence supervision over the legality of investigative activity, inquiry, investigation and court decisions, as well as criminal prosecution at all stages of the criminal process.

Hence the official authorized to conduct the preliminary investigation of the criminal case within its jurisdiction: investigator of internal affairs, national security investigator and investigator of the financial police.

Interrogator - official authorized to carry out pre-trial proceedings in the criminal case within its jurisdiction

Suspect. The suspect is a person in respect of whom the grounds and in the manner established by the Code of Criminal Procedure, a criminal case on suspicion of having committed an offense, as he announced the investigator, investigator, or carried out the detention or restraint applied to the charge.

The accused. The accused is a person in respect of whom the decision to prosecute an accused or a person against whom a court a criminal case of private prosecution, as well as the person against whom drawn up and approved by the head of the body of inquiry report charges.

Defender - a person who performs in accordance with the law protecting the rights and interests of suspects and accused persons and provide them with legal assistance.

The victim. Victims in criminal proceedings is a person in respect of whom there is reason to believe that a crime he directly suffered moral, physical or property damage

Specialist. As an expert to participate in the investigation and legal proceedings may be caused by not having any interest in a person with the necessary expertise to assist in collecting, researching and evaluating the evidence, and in the application of technical means.


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