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Put it in the correct form each time.

1. a) There are a few practical things we need …

b) Have you … renting the equipment instead of buying? It’s much cheaper.

c) When the short list is ready, the committee … nominations and selects winners in

each category.


2. a) Last year’s conference dates … with our shooting schedule.

b) The organisers should try to avoid … with similar events.

c) It’s such a pity the two concerts …! The attendance was poor at both of them.


3. a) Bring a document with you that … your identity.

b) I’ve heard rumours about it, but not a single official … it so far.

c) Several high-profile filmmakers … (already) their participation in the festival.


4. a) Why don’t you … your short for consideration?

b) I … my application online. It took no time at all.

c) You’ll miss the deadline if you … your work later than 30 April.


5. a) If you want … our sample submission form, press this button.

b) From a financial point of …, this project isn’t worth considering.

c) If you miss a live episode you will be able … it later.


6. a) The charity provides a wide range of services free of ….

b) How much do they … for a regular lunch?

c) I’m a really good photographer, but I don’t think I can … so much in my area.

I just don’t think people are going to pay it.


7. a) The panel discussions are taking place at two … within close proximity.

b) It’s one of the largest indoor music … I’ve ever been to.

c) They have found another … for Saturday’s performance.

8. a) Sydney … the Olympic Games in 2000.

b) We are delighted and proud … this outstanding event.

c) Mr. Freeman, the show’s …, began with introducing the panel to the audience.

Exercise 79. Translate into English using the vocabulary of this unit.

1. Некоторые киноведы полагают, что фильмы про маньяков стоит рассматривать как отдельный жанр.

2. Вы должны уметь переводить унции в граммы. Когда правительство в последний раз санкционировало увеличение НДС?

3. Наше мероприятие предоставляет широкие возможности как для новичков, так и для опытных кинематографистов.

4. Уверяю вас, при сложившихся обстоятельствах трудно получить прибыль.

5. Срок окончания приёма заявок, согласно регламенту фестиваля, – 1 февраля.

6. В течение всего фестиваля зрители смогут посетить всевозможные мастер-классы и круглые столы, а также принять участие в обсуждениях.


Exercise 80. In pairs make up short conversations on the patterns from Exercise 46 about

VGIK Student Film Festival and / or Moscow International Film Festival.


Exercise 81. a) Make a list of words and expressions you might need to talk about VGIK


B) Use the following plan to make a presentation of VGIK SFF using your

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