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Brilliant idea?

B) Recall what you were doing when you had ideas. Share it with the

Rest of the group.



Exercise 47. In pairs. One will be Student A, another will be Student B. Do your tasks.

After reading and completing the exercises, work in groups.


Student A

Look at the photo of Ian Fleming. Tick (√) the adjectives that you think describe him.

sophisticated well-dressed
kind funny
well-educated outgoing
good-looking confident

Read the information about the first half of Ian Fleming’s life.

Answer the questions.

1. Where was Ian Fleming born?

2. What was his family like?

3. What happened to his father?

4. What did Ian think of school and the army?

5. What happened in the early 1930s?

6. What was Ian doing when the Second World War started?



Use the clues to write questions about the second half of Ian Fleming’s life.

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