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VI. Переведите предложения, содержащие конструкцию Complex Object. Подчеркните этот оборот в каждом предложении.

1. The manager wants to employ three more workers.

2. Higher prices for inputs make producers to rise for output.

3. They expect us to give them 5% discount on the price.

4. Would you like the cable to be sent today?

5. The secretary watched the manager make an appointment with the representatives of the British firm.


VII. Переведите предложения, содержащие конструкцию Complex Subject. Подчеркните этот оборот в каждом предложении.

1. You are supposed to go to business trip in two weeks.

2. Money just doesn’t happen to interest me.

3. Labor, machinery, raw materials, energy are known to be input.

4. Taxes are assumed to redistribute incomes within an economy.

5. Positive economics is sure to play an essential part in social life.


VIII. Прочитайте текст и переведите его письменно.


Market Tends


Market size, market structure and market shares are known not to remain the same. What happens today may be totally irrelevant to what is happening in one, two or three years’ time. The usual method of deciding of what is going to happen in the future is to take at what has happened in the past and project it forwards. This approach is supposed to be fraught with dangers. At the very least you have to adjust the numbers for changes which may occur or are forecasted to occur. On general level anticipated changes in the economy can affect the buying model of individual markets. There may be forecasted changes in tax or other laws which will influence purchasing decision. New information may emerge on the effect of certain items (for example, health hazards). On a more specific level, in your particular target market there may be new products or better products emerging. There may be specific changes due to government or local authority policy. And so on. You should look closely at your market to guess what changes will occur which might affect the market trends. In any conversations with people already operating in the market remembers to ask what likely changes they think are on the cards. You may be better able to take advantage of them as a new entrant with no constraints dominating your activity and methods of operating.


IX. Ответьте на следующие вопросы к тексту.


  1. What is the usual method of deciding what is going to happen in the future?
  2. What do you need to do if changes occur in the market?
  3. What influences market trends?
  4. What kind of changed occur in the individual market on a general level?
  5. What specific changes can affect the buying model?


X. Приложите к данной контрольной работе словарь экономических терминов, составленный вами в течение двух лет обучения.




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