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Body language plays a very important part in attraction.

Attraction and Body Language

Task A

1. How many things do men and women differ in? 2. Does body language of men differ from that of women? 3. Read the article below and see whether you had the same ideas

Men and women tend to display different types of body language. However, everyone provides non-verbal clues if you just learn how to read them. Attraction and body language go hand-in-hand in forming good communication skills.

In fact, up to 70% of the signs that a person is interested are non-verbal!

Many of the body gestures we make are completely subconscious. We may not even be aware that we’re giving off a signal by using a part of our body.

You may find it difficult to tell when a member of the opposite sex is attracted to you.

I’m sure we have all experienced a time when we started to question ourselves:

Is that handsome new guy at the office really attracted to me?

Does that beautiful woman in the corner want me to approach her?

Fortunately, after reading this, you'll be an expert in reading a man or woman’s mind and will be able to answer all these questions without a hitch.

Just kidding!

However, you will definitely pick up a thing or two about reading body gestures. Believe me – this skill can be almost as effective.

Learning to interpret a person’s body language will make it much easier for you to determine if a person is actually interested or not. Start to watch what a person’s body is saying to you. Good communication skills include verbal as well as non-verbal gestures.

It is often easy to misinterpret what someone has said. A person may try to deceive you by saying something untrue. However, their body won’t lie!

Singles bars and nightclubs aren’t just places to meet members of the opposite sex. They provide perfect opportunities to observe the intimate relationship between attraction and body language.

To master the effective communication between genders, learning the right body language is important.

Body language plays a very important part in attraction.

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