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Ex.9. In the following table there are seven jumbled recruitment tips. Try to match the correct halves from columns A and B.

Don't hire until you take the one you would like to work for.
Make sure you have you are getting no information.
If several applicants are equally good and see what happens.
Remember that when you talk start with How?, When?, Who?, etc.
Try to say nothing are quite sure you need someone.
Ask open-ended questions that demonstrate his or her skills.
Ask an applicant to enough time for the interview.


Exercises in Comprehension


Ex.1. Answer the following questions:

1. What are personnel departments involved in?

2. What does a company do when it identifies a need for new staff?

3. When may headhunters be engaged?

4. What are headhunters’ duties?

5. How may executives be persuaded to move company?

6. What should a jobseeker do if he or she is interested in a particular post?

7. What is a curriculum vitae?

8. What other document should be sent together with a curriculum vitae?



Ex.2. Sum up what the text says about:




golden hello




Ex.3. Read the following job advertisements. What kind of jobs do they offer? What skills are essential to the jobs? What are the duties?



  Western bank established in Kiev is looking for: INTERNAL AUDITOR   Requirements: s Minimum 2 year experience in Bank’s internal auditing s Excellent proven organizational, communication and leadership skills s Fluent oral and written English s Proven knowledge of TAX and NBU regulations   Responsibilities: s Execution of all auditing activities in accordance with guidelines s Examination in form and in fact of all Bank’s transactions in all business units s Preparation of recommendations in the course of audit performed For confidential consideration, please fax CV to Human Resources Department, fax 2303391  


  Our Client is a great Company to work for and there’s simply nowhere else like it to built your career Excellent Career Opportunity for talented, internationally minded people to develop in the Brand Marketing field.   BRAND EXECUTIVE Working for our client means being part of a dynamic, exciting and challenging business. THE PERSON: You will probably be aged between 22-26, have a relevant University degree, fluent English and excellent PC skills. 1 + years of working experience in an international environment on a junior position within the marketing department would be essential. In order to succeed in this role, the candidate must be able to demonstrate an interest in and awareness of product development, trade and consumer insights. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills are principally required. You will have to demonstrate your commercial and creative thinking. If you are interested, please apply in writing with a full Curriculum Vitae (Resume) in English and a covering letter.  


Ex.4. Imagine that you are interested in applying for one of these 2 above-mentioned jobs. Write a letter to the employer in which you:

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