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Open the brackets.

1. He acts as if he …………. (to be) in charge. (Unreal. He isn’t in charge).

2. You look as if you just …………… (to see) a ghost.

3. He looked as if he …………… (to know) the answer.

4. He acts as if/as though he ………….. (to have) a lot of money.

5. He behaves as if he ………….. (to own) the house.

6. He talks as though he …………... (to know) where she was.

7. He looks/looked as if he ………… (to be) deep in trouble.

8. He talks about the Rome as if he ………… (to be) there himself.

9. He looks /looked as if he …………… (not to have) a meal for a month.

10. He acts as if he ………….. (to be) President.

10. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

1 I’d rather ………………………… (go) swimming in the afternoon.

2 I’d rather you …………………….. (not to wear) my new dress to the party that night.

3 I’d rather you ………………….. (to say) that you didn’t want to come!

4 I’d rather ………………….. (to go) by plane but I couldn’t afford the air fare.

5 I’d rather you ……………….. (not to use) such bad language!

7 I’d rather you ………………….. (not to tell) her the news.

10 We would rather …………………….. (recycle) our rubbish than ………………….. (use) non-recyclable goods.

11 He had better ……………………. (not to visit) her last night!

13 It would have been better if she …………………. (give) us the information.

14 You’d better …………………. (not to wake) her up because she hasn’t slept for two days.


Write the letter using conditionals, wishes, had better, would rather.

The Browns went to Egypt for a week. They are back, but they didn’t have good rest, as everything went wrong from the very beginning. Mr. Brown is writing a letter to his friend.

The ideas: hotel dirty, crowded; to be sick after the flight, sea polluted, small rooms, noisy neighbors, food awful…



Oscar Wilde


Oscar Wilde was born in Dublin on October 16, 1854 as a graceful writer of verse and prose.

At school, and later at Oxford, Oscar displayed a considerable gift for art and the humanities. The young man received a number of classical prizes, and graduated with first-class Lonours.

While at the University Wilde became one of the most prominent personalities of the day; he wore his hair long, decorated his rooms with peacock’s feathers, lilies, sunflowers, blue china and other beautiful things.

After graduating from the University, Wilde turned his attention to writing, traveling and lecturing.

In 1882 he went to America to lecture on the Aesthetic Movement in England. His lecture tours were triumphantly successful.

Wilde also wrote poems, essays, reviews, political tracts, and many others.

At the height of his popularity and success tragedy struck. He was accused of immorality and sentenced to two years’ imprisonment.

When released from prison in 1897 he lived mainly on the Continent and later in Paris. In 1898 he published his powerful poem, Ballad of Reading Gaol. He died in Paris in 1900.


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