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Weather forecast

In Malta today it will be hot and s unny with temperatures up to 32 degrees Celsius. Tomorrow will be windy but quite warm, with a high of 28. On Friday it will be a wet night with rain showers and a possibility of isolated thunderstorms. It will be partly cloudy for most of Saturday morning, but these clouds should move out by mid-afternoon. In the evening there will be a cool breeze. Skies should be clear on Sunday and the sun will be shining brightly, so make sure to wear light clothes.

Exercise 6. Fill in the gaps with the correct words from the box:

shining / drought / sunny / sunshine / blowing / cold / snowing / raining / hot / coldest / heavy

1. What's the weather like today? The sun is....
2. It hasn't rained a drop for three months. It's....
3. The weather is great.I like when it's so....
4. It's the first sunny day for months. We haven't had much... these days.
5. Don't go out! The wind is... today.
6. The temperature will be very...! - 10 below freezing.
7. It's... here, what's it doing there?
8. Did you see the weather forecast? It's supposed to start... tomorrow.
9. The weather is great today. It's nice and....
10. I don't like when there are some very... rain clouds.

Exercise 7. Fill in the gaps using adjectives from the list:

stormy sunny cloudy snowy rainy windy

1. It was a... day in the middle of January, so we made a snowman.

2. It was such a... day that my umbrella was blown inside out.

3. Most people like to go on holiday when it is hot and....

4. Half an hour later the weather became very.... They could hear the rumble

of thunder and they saw flashes of lightening across the sky.

5. On a... night you can’t see any stars in the sky.

6. The town’s river overflows every year during the... season.

Exercise 8. Select the correct word from the box to complete the sentences:

showers / foggy / clear / sunny / icy / heavy/ lightning / flooding / degrees/ hail

Начало формы

1. It's a beautiful day to go to the beach. It's... and warm.

Конец формы

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2. It will be cloudy today with a chance of... so don't forget to bring your umbrella to work.

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3. Drive very carefully this morning because it's very... out there. You can't see very far ahead of you.

Конец формы

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4. There's not a cloud in the sky today. It's totally....

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5. It'll be cold tomorrow morning with a chance of snow in the afternoon. Drive slowly because the roads are very....

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6. You can expect thunder and... in the afternoon when this thunderstorm approaches the area.

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7. It's going to be really hot today. It'll get up to 98... Fahrenheit (37° Celsius).

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8. It's really raining hard out there today! This... rain should continue this afternoon and into the evening.

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9. It will rain all day today and there could be... in the evening.

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10. The rain might freeze later today and turn into....

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Exercise 9. Complete the statements characterizing the weather:

Example: When the wind is blowing, we say… It’s windy.

1. When the clouds cover the sky, we say …

2. When the rain begins, we say …

3. When the sun is shining, we say …

4. When the snow covers the field we say …

5. When the fog appears we say ….

6. When the storm begins we say …

7. When the earth is covered with ice we say …

Exercise 10. This is how to say about the weather. Read and translate the following sentences:

1. It’s warm/cold today.

2. It’s (very) hot today.

3. It’s a bright day.

4. It’s cloudy today.

5. It’s wet and foggy today.

6. It’s dry and sunny today.

7. It’s getting warmer/colder.

8. It’s raining/snowing (hard).

9. It is raining cats and dogs.

N.B.: spell – період, проміжок; dry spells – іноді/місцями сухо; sunny spells – іноді/місцями сонячно.

10. It’s dry today with sunny spells, but becoming cloudy during the afternoon.

11. Some bright spells in the east, but cloudy later with some rain in the north-west.

12. The temperature is 5 degrees above/below zero Celsius (37 degrees Fahrenheit).

13. The average temperature was 10 degrees below zero last winter.

14. Did you hear / see today’s forecast?

15. Did you hear / see the weather?

16. I want to listen to the weather.

17. Their forecasts are never correct.

18. Some people can predict the weather.

Exercise 11. Listen and complete the text:

Good evening. (1)... this weekend's weather forecast for some (2)... around the United States. New York City will (3)... hot this weekend. Temperatures will be unusually (4)... for this time of (5).... Get your (6)..., shorts and sun hats out of the closets because (7)... going to need them until Sunday. (8)... to drink plenty of water and (9)... stay in the sun for too long. A cool breeze from the Pacific Ocean will hit the San Francisco area.

Weather conditions will be pleasant during the day, but much (10)... in the evenings. (11)... in layers: T-shirts under a (12)... and a jacket in the evenings will be the (13)... choice if you're going to be out for (14)... hours. But don't (15)..., it won't (16)... before (17).... If you're in Chicago and planning to be outdoors this weekend, plan (18).... (19)... rainstorms will (20)....by (21)... morning, so make sure you take your (22)... and (23)... for the next (24)....days.


Exercise 12. Do the test about the weather in New Yorc according to the Ex. 11:

1. A weather forecast is a...

a) description of the weather

b) story about the weather in the past

c) prediction of the weather in the future

2. This weather forecast is about...

a) the United Kingdom

b) North America

c) the European Community

3. This forecast is...

a) for the whole country

b) for the North of the country

c) only for some cities

4.The cities they mention are...

a) New Orleans, Boston and Chicago

b) New York, San Francisco and Chicago

c) New Hampshire, Georgia and Chicago

5.The weather will be...

a) cold in New York

b) hot in New York

6. Sunday in New York will be...

a) cold

b) hot

7. Plenty of water means...

a) little water

b) some water

c) a lot of water

8. When it's very hot you must...

a) stay in the sun for a long time

b) stay in the sun only for a short time

9. A breeze is a...

a) strong wind

b) a gentle wind

10. A T-shirt has...

a) short sleeves (рукави0

b) long sleeves

11. What will the weather be like in San Francisco during the day?

a) nice and warm

b) bad and cold

12. Tuesday in San Frrancisco will be...

a) dry and sunny

b) rainy

Exercise 13. Read and translate the text. Do you trust forecasts?:

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