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Degrees of Certainty in the Past


I/you/he... must (должно быть) have been (tired, asleep)
  may (not), might (not)   been (doing , working)
  (возможно (не))   done gone, known
  can't (не может быть)        

Part 2

3. Rewrite the second sentence in each pair using the word in bold.

Examples: Probably he was ill and that's why he missed the lessons yesterday. must: He must have been ill and that's why he missed the lessons yester­day.

Perhaps he was ill yesterday but I don't really know. may (might): He may (might) have been ill yesterday but I don't really know.

I can't believe he was ill yesterday. He hadn't prepared for the test and simply decided not to come.

can't: He can't have been ill yesterday. He hadn't prepared for the test and simply decided not to come.

1. Perhaps The Beatles found the job they were offered in Germany chal­
lenging and agreed to go to Hamburg.

might: The Beatles...

2. Probably Brian Epstein immediately appreciated The Beatles' perfor­
mance when he visited the Cavern Club in November 1961.

must: Brian Epstein...

3.1 don't think it was easy for George Martin to work with the Beatles, per­haps they were not very cooperative. may: The Beatles...

4. The relations between Lennon and McCartney became very difficult,
perhaps because they disliked each other's wives.

might: Lennon and McCartney...

5. Probably Stuart Sutcliffe suffered from increasingly bad headaches and
that's why he quit The Beatles.

must: Stuart Sutcliffe...

6.1 don't believe John Lennon said that The Beatles were " more popular

than Jesus". can't: John Lennon...

7. Perhaps The Beatles were fascinated by Elvis Presley's songs and his

popularity. may: The Beatles...

8.1 can't believe the album Meet The Beatles! remained number one for

nearly four months in 1964. can't: The album Meet The Beatles!...

9. Perhaps The Beatles were not invited to Brian Epstein's funeral and

that's why they didn't attend it. may: The Beatles...

10. Probably The Beatles disliked the term 'Beatlemania' and rejected it as a title of their first movie, which was named A Hard Day's Night.

Unit four

must: The Beatles...

11. In all probability Elvis Presley wanted to meet The Beatles, and they

met at his Beverly Hills home in August 1965. must: Elvis Presley...

Change the meaning of each sentence to its opposite and translate both sentences.

Example: The bridge must have been destroyed. The bridge can't have been destroyed.

1. They must have done without an interpreter.

2. Peter can't have borrowed a large sum of money from his father.

3. The house must have been built long ago.

4. His illness can't have been very serious.

5. He must have been the brains behind the project.

6. She must have lost all his possessions in the fire.

7. He can't have said it without thinking.

8. They must have changed their opinion.

9. The problem can't have been solved.


10. He must have inherited his sister's property.

11. They must have been driving too fast.

Phrasal verbs with 'put'

put... off - delay (откладывать)

put... on - 1) switch on (syn. turn on) (включать)

2) put on (надевать)

(ant. take... off) снимать (об одежде) put... through - connect people on the phone (соединять) put up with - tolerate (мириться с недостатками, терпеть) put down - write down (записать)

5. Translate the following into English using the phrasal verbs with 'put'.

1. На улице холодно. Надень шапку и шарф, чтобы не простудиться.

2. Не откладывай на завтра то, что можно сделать сегодня.

3. Его жене, вероятно, сложно мириться с его манерами, но прихо­

4. «Можно поговорить с миссис Джонс?» — «Конечно. Одну минутку.
Я вас соединяю».

5. Не кладите трубку, пожалуйста. Позвольте, я возьму ручку и запи­
ваше имя и номер телефона.

Part 2

ШШ Phrasal verbs with'take'

take... away - remove (убрать)

takeaway n - food that you can take home from a cafe or a restaurant (еда «на вынос»)

take... back - withdraw what you said (взять свои слова обратно, отказать­ся от сказанного)

take... off - remove clothes (снять одежду)

take off - leave the ground (about an aircraft) (взлететь (о самолете))

take... over - gain control of (прийти к власти, взять управление в свои руки)

take up - 1) start a hobby (увлечься каким-то занятием)

2) occupy (time or space) (занимать (время или место))

take after - resemble (быть похожим)

\ Translate the following into English using the phrasal verbs with 'take'.

1. После смерти отца он стал во главе компании и сейчас является
генератором всех новых идей.

2. Они с восхищением наблюдали, как взлетает огромный самолет.

3. — Его виолончель занимает слишком много места в нашей ком­

— Оставь его в покое и возьми свои слова обратно*. Твой брат бу­дет великим музыкантом!

4. Мама попросила детей убрать игрушки перед тем, как они отпра­
вятся гулять.

5. Все говорят, что она пошла в отца.

6. В Лондоне очень много ресторанов, где можно заказать еду на дом.

7. Он профессионально образованный музыкант, и все были удивле­
ны, когда он увлекся рисованием.

8. — Пожалуйста, снимите пальто, пройдите в комнату и чувствуйте
себя как дома! - сказала хозяйка своим гостям.

Can you explain the difference between:

exhausted - exhausting excited - exciting

fascinated - fascinating interested - interesting

Complete the sentences by choosing the correct words in brackets.

1.1 find this information (interested / interesting).

2. He was (surprised / surprising) to know that he had been put in charge of the team.

Unit four

3. The audience was (fascinating / fascinated) by her voice.

4. Why does he always look so (boring / bored)? Is the job he is doing
really so (boring / bored)?

5. I'm really very (exciting / excited) about my holiday.

6. Your journey must have been really (exhausted / exhausting).

7. What's the matter? You look absolutely (exhausted / exhausting).

8. It's been raining all day. I hate this (depressing / depressed) weather. It
makes me (depressing / depressed).

9.1 don't often visit art galleries. I'm not particularly (interested / inte­resting) in art.

10. The play was (disappointing / disappointed). I expected it to be much

11. The news must have been (shocked / shocking) for him.

12. He must have been (shocked / shocking) when he heard the news.

13. You must be (tiring / tired) after doing all these exercises.

9. Can you sing this song? Can you make a Russian translation of it? Yesterday*

Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away. Now it looks as though they're here to stay. Oh, I believe in yesterday.

Suddenly, I'm not half the man I used to be. There's a shadow hanging over me. Oh, yesterday came suddenly.

Why she had to go, I don't know, she wouldn't say. I said something wrong, now I long for yesterday.

Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play. Now I need a place to hide away. Oh, I believe in yesterday.

0. Read the following interview with a popular opera singer.

Ruth Floyd is a world-famous opera singer. She has come to Russia to give two solo concerts: one in Moscow and the other in St. Petersburg.

Now she is being interviewed by Sergei Belkin - a well-known music ex­pert and television commentator.

* Текст песни, опубликованный в журнале «Mozaika», 1970.

Part 2

S.B. First of all I'd like to apologize for my poor English, but it's better than noth­ing. I think we'll be able to do without an interpreter.

R.F. Oh, your English is very good. I wish my Russian were half as good as your English.

S.B. So you can speak Russian, can't you?

R.F. No, I can't. Russian is a beautiful language. If I had enough time for lan­guage lessons, it would be Russian I'd try to learn.

S.B. But your pronunciation in the part of Tatyana is faultless and you didn't take lessons, did you?

R.F. Yes, I did. Moreover, I began working at the role with very careful reading of the English translation of Pushkin's Eugene Onegin and then I took lessons from a phonetician to learn the scene.

The interview is interrupted for some time to let the televiewers enjoy hearing

Ruth singing Tatyana's letter to Onegin. Then the talk goes on.

S.B. I can't help agreeing with those who call your voice golden, magical, and you're a superb actress at that!

R.F. An opera singer is supposed to be an actor, too. It was Shalyapin and many others who strongly insisted upon it.

S.B. You are quite right. Now it's a universally accepted requirement. But to go back to singing, when did you decide to make it your profession?

R.F. I was brought up in a family of teachers of opera singing. But I didn't realize I could be an opera singer before I was eighteen. My mother was very hap­py about it and helped me a lot. Then I received a special education at one of the best music schools in America, something like your conservatory.

S.B. Is it true that you were invited to sing jazz?

R.F. Oh, it was when I was still a student, and I'm glad I didn't accept the invita­tion.

S.B. So you don't like jazz?

R.F. Yes, I do. I love it, and I sometimes sing it. It's my hobby. But it's different from singing opera. It requires a different technique and you have to learn it if you want to sing jazz or anything written in that style.

The screen shows R.F. singing Summer Time from Gershwin's Porgy and


S.B. Wonderful! It's such a pity we haven't got much time left. I do hope it's not your last visit to Russia and we'll meet again soon. Thank you very much for the interview.

11. Have you seen or heard any interviews with famous musicians recently? Who was interviewed and who was the interviewer? What was the inter­view about? Was it interesting for you?

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