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Commonwealth Coat of Arms

The absence of specific references to the states in the shield in the 1908 Arms led to a number of alterations approved on the recommendation of the Commonwealth Government by King George V. The new design included a shield with six parts each containing a representation of the badge of a state. The positions and poses of the supporters were also changed. The colours of the wreath of the crest were altered to gold and blue. These are the 'livery' or identifying colours of the Arms. The new Arms were accompanied by small branches of wattle, ornamental rests for the supporters, and a scroll with the word 'Australia' – none of which are actually mentioned in the 1912 Royal Warrant. There are ten variations of the 1912 Arms – the colour version, four variations of the conventional Arms and five variations of the stylised Arms.

1912 Commonwealth Coat of Arms

Commonwealth Coat of Arms

Commonwealth Coat of Arms

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