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Additional material


The materials are taken from www.corporatewatch.org & https://www.sdi.co.uk/

Scotland's economy is resilient and diverse. Setting up in, or relocating a business to, Scotland means placing your operation at the cutting edge of the modern global economy in a business environment that is supportive of growth and entrepreneurship. Scotland’s culture of innovation is world-renowned. Close ties between academia, industry and Government create opportunities for your business to exploit innovation and research in Scotland.

Businesses that have opted to invest in Scotland have found success in developing new products and practices across several diverse industries. Financial support, assistance for investors and a highly skilled workforce underpin business opportunities in Scotland.

Task. Study the following materials about innovative technologies, research, resources & companies in Scotland. Fill in the table below, find additional information about the country’ economy, decide what human resources are needed (jobs, professions).Make a presentation.

Support for businesses investing in Scotland

We provide advice and practical support for companies looking to make a business investment in Scotland. Since our inception in 2001, we have greatly increased the level of inward investment, and the services we offer to businesses include: help for companies wishing to obtain funding for projects; promoting and brokering research and commercial partnerships; ongoing advice, business mentoring, and access to specialist services for all sectors of the Scottish economy.


Industries High-tech Aerospace Energy
Innovative technologies      


The first wave of high-tech development focused on electronics and computers. This took off to such an extent that by the 1980s central Scotland was dubbed 'Silicon Glen'. Major global electronics companies such as IBM, Motorola and NEC were tempted into setting up manufacturing facilities. At its high point in the 1990s, 'Silicon Glen' produced 35% of Europe’s computers and 12% of the world's semi-conductors and directly employed 55, 000 people. However, the electronics industry has not been the universal panacea for the Scottish economy that it was meant to be. Jobs in the Scottish electronics industry look increasingly precarious as one by one major companies take the money and run, scaling back their Scottish operations and relocating to countries with lower labor costs.

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