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XI. Study the following words and expressions connected with medical care. Divide them into groups and fill in the table. Add any other vocabulary you know.

to treat sm, casualty, casual officer, consulting room, to examine sm, trolley, cubicle, ward, ailment, oxygen mask, drip, houseman, intensive care, cough, registrar, pneumonia, cancer, sore throat, fever, to prescribe medicine, injury, pediatrician, mumps, phonen­doscope, plaster, to give a shot, mortuary, chickenpox, surgeon, tonometer, ulcer, dizziness, insomnia, dietician, dentist, bandage, general practitioner (GP), drops, to take blood pressure, nurse, to get your chest X-rayed, syringe, midwife, cotton wool, consultant, indigestion, to take temperature, tincture, paramedic, ointment, nausea

people places instruments and medicines illnesses and symptoms treatment


XII. How would you define the term “social security”? What spheres of life are connected with it?

Study the list of key words and expressions, find their definitions and complete the list using dictionaries and other sources. Fill in the gaps using the words and expressions from the list (sometimes more than one variant is possible).


social security social protection social insurance social provision social worker social welfare services social exclusion security measures basic necessities children / elderly abuse poverty disability unemployment retirement elderly infirm shelter / housing nursery / care homes medical care injury / maternity leave benefits contributions pensions income maintenance welfare recipient receive assistance be eligible for be exempt from taxes funding financial aid


1) His wife, a former ________, gave up that line of work when she concluded it was hopeless. 2) They lived in a homeless _______ until a room opened up at the Pinetree hotel. 3) The federal Family Support Act of 1988 required many __________ to participate in education, training, or work. 4) If you’re over 65, you ____________ a discount. 5) These include food, _______, clothing, the _________ of life. 6) Millions of elderly people live in __________. 7) The 42‑ clause Bill gives pregnant workers the right to a minimum of 14 weeks’ ____________. 8) A large number of homes lack adequate ____________. 9) With this reduction of social activities came a sense of ___________. 10) He wants the ___________ age raised to 70. 11) In countries without adequate ___________ for the poor, unemployment may be very much more severe in its effects. 12) Have you been making regular __________ to a pension plan? 13) Many children suffer racial _______ at school. 14) If you were fired from your previous job, you may not be able to claim unemployment _________. 15) She lives with her mother who is elderly and _________. 16) Because of his _________, he depended on his wife to dress him, feed him and bathe him. 17) Social facilities have deteriorated over the past ten years because of a lack of government ___________.

XIII. Read the text about the term “social security”. Put the words in the brackets in the correct form.

Social security _________ (primary) refers to social welfare service concerned with social protection, or protection against socially recognized conditions, including ________ (poor), old age, disability, unemployment, families with children and others. Although some __________ (publish) use the terms " social security" and " social protection" __________ (interchange), social security is used both more narrowly (to refer only to schemes with the formal title of 'social security') and more widely _________ (refer) to many kinds of social welfare scheme). Social security may refer to

· social insurance, where people receive benefits or services in __________ (recognize) of ___________ (contribute) to an insurance scheme. These services typically include ___________ (provide) for retirement pensions, disability insurance, survivor benefits and unemployment insurance.

· income maintenance – mainly the ____________ (distribute) of cash in the event of interruption of ___________ (employ), including retirement, disability and unemployment

· services provided by administrations __________ (respond) for social security. In different countries this may include medical care, aspects of social work and even __________ (industry) relations.

· More rarely, the term is also used to refer to basic security, a term ___________ (rough) equivalent to access to basic ___________ (necessary) – things such as food, clothing, shelter, education and medical care.

(From Wikipedia)

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