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Famous Sportsmen of Ukraine

Since ancient times Ukrainians were skillful archers, horsemen and wrestlers. In the late XIX century European sports and games were introduced here; football and wrestling became the most popular.

Kyiv's famous soccer team " Dynamo" won the European Cup Holder's Cup twice, in 1975 and 1985. Oleg Blokhin and Ihor Bielanov were named Europe's best soccer players.

The " Spartak" handball team from Kyiv, led by Senior Coach Ihor Turchyn, has won 13 European Champion's Cups. Zinayida Turchyna and Larysa Karlova were named best players in the World and European Championships several times.

The Ukrainian school of gymnastics is recognized the world over. Its representatives — Iryna Deriuhina, Oleksandra Tymoshenko, Oksana Skaldina and others — have won World and European Championships. Larysa Latynina has the longest history of records in the Olympic Games: 18 medals, including 9 gold, 5 silver, and 3 bronze.

Valery Borzov, the famous sprinter, won 2 gold, 1 silver, and 2 bronze medals at the 20th and 21st Olympic Gaines. Serhiy Bubka, eight times world champion and Olympic champion in the pole-vaultingholds 35 world records. He has been named World's Best Athlete.

Having just proclaimed its independence, Ukraine sent the national team to the 1992 Olympic Games, where young figure skater Oksana Baiul won the first gold medal for independent Ukraine.

At the 26th Olympic Games in Atlanta Ukrainian athletes won 9 gold medals, plus a score of silver and bronze. The names of the winners have become known the world over: all-round Olympicchampion in gymnastics Lilia Podkopaieva; Olympic champion in women's freestyle gymnastics Katya Serebrianska; Olympic champion in Greco-Roman wrestling Viacheslav Oliynyk; Olympic champion in weight-lifting Tymur Taimazov; Olympic champion in boxing Volodymyr Klichko; Olympic champions yachtsmen Yevhen Braslavets' and Ihor Matvienko; Olympic champion in track-and-field athletics Inesa Kravets' and others.Ukraine is noted for its famous heavyweight boxers - Wladimir and Vitali Klitchsko which have won world champion's title many times, and currently hold the WBC, WBO, IBF, IBO and Ring Magazine titles between them.



There are different aspects of art: music, painting, theatre, cinema, literature and many others. It is difficult to overestimate the influence of art on people. Art enriches our inner world.

Ukraine has given the world a lot of brilliant musicians, singers, painters actors, writers and poets.

The Ukrainians are known as a musical people. They have a remarkable legacy of folk songs. Ukraine takes an active part in the world culture process. Its orchestras, singers, ballet-masters are known all over the world. The Ukrainian national composer school is connected with the name of Mykola Lysenko. The names of Tetyana Yablonska, Oleksandr Dovzhenko, Murashko Oleksandr, Taras Shevchenko and others are known all over the world.

Painting is one of aspects of art which needs no interpreter.Yablonska Tetyana is one of the famous painters. During her long creative life she organized above 30 exhibitions in Kyiv, Moscow, London, Budapest etc. Murashko Oleksandris one of the most prominent Ukrainian painters by the end of the XIX – the beginning of the XX century. M.Pryjmachenko is the greatest master of the Ukrainian fine arts of the middle of the XX century. The works of Mariya Pryjmachenko reflect people’s old legends and fantasy conceptions it is impossible to count up museums and private collections, which own invaluable works of M.Pryjmachenko.

English painting knows a lot of brilliant masters. The names of William Hogarth, Thomas Gainsborough, Constable, Joseph Turner, William Blake are known all over the world. W. Hogarth was a curious observer of people and life.T.Gainsborough was the creator of the English school of landscape.

Constable was one of the greatest English landscape painters. Joseph Turner painted mostly marine subjects. Blake’s greatest power was as an imagist. But he is better known as a poet.

So, art changes our views, outlook and mood.

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