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Use the word in capital letters at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line.

Jane started Philosophy this term, and I am afraid her (1)……. to the subject has not been entirely (2) ………. She has not shown much enthusiasm, and does not always pay (3)……….. in class. Her assignments are often (4) …….., because she is so untidy, and she never checks her work (5)………. She failed to do any (6) ……. before the end of term test, and had poor results. She seems to have the (7) …… idea that she can succeed without studying. She has also had many (8)……. and has frequently arrived late for class. This has resulted in several severe (9)….. Although Jane is a (10)…… student in some respects, she has not had a satisfactory term. INTRODUCE SUCCESS ATTEND READ THOROUGH REVISE MISTAKE ABSENT PUNISH GIFT

4. What should one do to be a good student? Discuss your ideas in groups and then present them to the class. The following words and phrases may help you:


- Attend classes/lectures/ seminars

- Listen carefully

- Do home assignments

- Read a lot

- Be in time for lectures/classes

- Take an active part (in smth)

- Do one’s best

5. Do you think students often get into funny or unpleasant situations during their studies? Read the text to learn what things can happen.


Two students at Oxford University were so confident of passing their end-of-year exams that instead of revising over the weekend they decided to go to a party.

On Monday morning they had terrible hangovers and were in no state to sit their exam. One of them phoned their professor and told him that they had gone away for the weekend and the car had broken down on the way back to Oxford, so they could not get there in time for the exam. The professor was very understanding. “No problem”, he said. “These things happen. You can take the exam on Wednesday”.

The students could not believe their luck. So on Wednesday the two students went in to the university to sit their exam, feeling very pleased with themselves. The professor put them into different rooms so they could not talk to each other and gave each of them the exam paper in a brown envelope. When they opened the envelopes, they found only one question to answer: “Where exactly did the car break down? ”


Do you think the students passed their exam?

6. Are these statements true or false (according to the text above)?


1) The students did not prepare for the exam.

2) They could not come because their car had broken down.

3) The professor did not agree to change the time of the exam.

4) The students were happy to pass their exam on Wednesday.

5) Each student had his own question to answer.


7. Do you know any similar stories? Tell your group about a funny, interesting or unpleasant situation which you or your friends got into. You may also find some information in the internet.

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