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To ride a motorcycle with closed eyes is dangerous.

1) It was quite difficult… 9) It was unpleasant…

2) It is important… 10) It was never easy for me…

3) It would be interesting… 11) It will take you half an hour…

4) It was foolish of him… 12) It is necessary…

5) It is always a pleasure… 13) It might be exciting…

6) It is impossible… 14) It is a good idea…

7) It is simple… 15) It is dangerous…

8) It is better… 16) It is easier…


to start the engine in such cold weather to get to the airport

to get a good dinner in our canteen to stand on this ladder

to communicate with people thanks to Internet to talk to you

to go to the country tomorrow to learn this rule by heart

to ride an elephant to get tickets for this train

to steal the money from the bank to receive the information today

to watch good films and to read good books to ride with a drunk driver

to get a visa to give up smoking

to buy this old car to see you

to hear the other side of the story to meet new people

to watch their quarrel to take part in this expedition

to give advice than to follow it to jump with a parachute

to play chess with Karpov to learn Japanese

to have few real friends than to have a lot of to be wealthy than to be healthy



Ex.7. Match two parts of the sentences paying attention to infinitives as predicatives .

1) The job of the dispatcher is… a) to repair the track as soon as possible.

2) Your duty will be… b) to find necessary equipment for

the experiment.

3) My wish is… c) to prepare breakfast.

4) The task of the workers was... d) to control the movement of trains.

5) The function of railway signals is… e) to visit it on foot.

6) The only chance to catch the train was… f) to look through the mail.

7) The main problem was… g) to construct the new bridge for both

railway and road traffic.

8) Their project is… h) to keep the trains at some distance from

one another.

9) The best way to get to know the city is… i) to go around the world.

10) Every morning my first job is… j) to hire a taxi.

Ex.8. Fill in the blanks with the infinitive forms of the appropriate verbs in the function of the object. Use your imagination and a dictionary if necessary.

Model: I was glad ___ a letter from you. → I was glad to get a letter from you.


1) Don’t forget ____ the lights before you go out. 2) I asked the passer-by ___ me the way to the nearest bank. 3) The police wanted ___ the cause of the accident. 4) I was surprised ___ Tim at the meeting. 5) Jack failed ___ the book to the library on time. 6) They agreed ___ the damage free of charge. 7) When I decided ___ English, I didn’t know how difficult it would be. 8) Only very wealthy tourists can afford ___ at the Hilton. 9) We were sorry ___ the bad news. 10) I promised ___ the CD by next weekend. 11) They planned ___ by train, but they went by car after all. 12) We’ve arranged ___ with their representatives to discuss the problem. 13) He hopes ___ this information tomorrow. 14) Unfortunately I didn’t manage ___ the exam. 15) She was pleased ___ the invitation to the party. 16) We were relieved ___ that he had arrived safely. 17) The inspector asked the passengers ___ their tickets. 18) We were lucky ___ the last tickets for the 12 o’clock train.


Ex.9. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate infinitive as the attribute from the box. The first one is done for you.

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