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Reading for main ideas

Say if the sentence is True (T) or False (F)

a) Various operations and activities involved in the survey can be done by an uneducated person. (___)

b) There are five major types of surveying activities. (____)

c) Surveying involves geological investigations. (___)

d) The preliminary survey begins with studying the maps. (___)

e) Designing is the basis for surveying. (___)

f) Further renewal and reconstruction projects are considered while designing. (___)

Reading for details

Answer the questions. Write the number of the paragraph where you found the answer

a) What is the difference between economic and technical activities? (___)

b) What helps to get a general idea of the country? (___)

c) What kind of information is essential for preliminary survey? (___)

d) Are there any new technologies used in surveying? (___)

e) Surveying and designing are carried out by the same specialists, aren’t they? (___)

f) What does a typical railway design provide for? (___)

g) Track geometry is a very important aspect of construction, isn’t it? (___)


3.1 Look at the following list of words. Some of them can be related to “Country features” and some to “Investigations”. Choose the words from the list and write them in the right place in the diagrams

geological, flat, broken, soil-science, easy, climatic, difficult, hydrological  

Look at the diagrams in 3.1 and complete the definition

Surveying means complex activities including _______, ________, _____, _____ and other investigations to determine the position of constructed objects in relation to the country features (______, _____, _____, _____).

3.2 What is common for all these words? Translate them into Russian

3.3 Complete the diagram with the words from the text …………….

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