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Replace and act out.

- I’ve got good news. There is a new pupil in our class.

- Is it a boy or a girl?

- It’s a new boy, Tommy.

- Where’s he from?

- He’s fromthe USA.


Where is he/she from? He/She is from…

Continue the list.

• Name…

• Country…

• Hobby…


My friend has a friend much smaller than her.

My friend has a friend shiny and shy.

My friend has a friend

She’s patient. That’s why.


Hello, my name is John.

Today is my birthday. My parents give me a nice big yellow bag. My grandparents give me an interesting book about cats. My uncle and aunt give me a big red pencil case. My little sister gives me a brown pen, pencil and long ruler. I take these things and put them into my bag and go to school. I am very happy.

What can you see on the picture? Find school things on John’s table. Ask and answer as in example: How many books are there?


Read and write Yes, it is. Or No, it isn’t.

Is this a book? Yes, it is.

Is this a rubber? _______

Is this a pencil case? _______

Is this a desk? ___________

Is this a ruler? __________

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