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American meals

In the morning Americans have a bowl of cereal or bacon, eggs, toasts with jelly and a cup of tea or coffee for breakfast. They also like pancakes with maple syrup.

At approximately 9: 30 a.m. those who work will have a coffee break. And then at noon most people break for lunch. Most offices, factories and stores allow employees time for this. During " lunch hour" which is from 12: 00 to 1: 00 p. m. All the city sidewalks are usually crowded with people – they look for a place to eat. A lot of them stop at small " fast food" places. The usual noon -time meal consists of some­thing light, and quick to eat. It could range from a hot dog or hamburger from a restaurant or some­thing they have packed in a brown bag. This is called " brown bagging it". Americans seldom eat large lunches and don't enjoy very many " sweets".

After work people often have dinner at about 5: 00 p. m. It is usually the largest meal of the day. It con­sists of milk, vegetables and some type of meat. Often dinner is served with potatoes. Americans also enjoy carrots, peas, spinach, beets, tomatoes, green beans, squash and many other types of vegetables. The meat could be chicken, turkey, beef or pork. Many Americans enjoy a salad with their dinner. They either have vegetables from a can or they buy them fresh from the supermarket. Americans seldom have dessert and if they do it is usually very light.

They seldom sit at the table and eat for very long; they " eat and run". But many people have different tastes and enjoy different foods.



1. еще одно требование 2. приблизительно в 9.30 утра 3. большинство людей делает перерыв на ленч 4. дают работникам время для этого 5. в городе на улицах (на тротуарах) полно народу 6. обычная полуденная трапеза состоит из 7. что-то легкое, что можно съесть быстро 8. консервированные овощи 9. едят на бегу    
Task I. Translate into English.

1. более широкий выбор

2. дело скорее в огромном ассортименте,

из которого приходится выбирать

3. делает процесс приготовления пищи

самым простым и быстрым делом

4. покупки с помощью компьютера

5. рестораны быстрого питания

6. рестораны, из которых можно выносить еду

7. национальная (этническая) пища

8. ради удобства и экономии

9. пищевая промышленность


Task II. Paraphrase the following:

1. There are meat, vegetables, nuts, cereals in the shops in any season of the year.

2. The microwave oven is a great change in the home preparation of meals.

3. A family goes to the supermarket once a week.

4. The food in such restaurants is not expensive.

5. The Americans want to have healthy food.

6. That’s why there are new technologies of food production.

Task IV. Prove that: - Americans have a good choice of goods. - It is very easy to buy food and to cook in the USA. - Americans like fast-food restaurants. - There are new developments in the American food industry.  

Task III. Answer the questions:

1. Do the Americans sit at table and eat for very long?

2. How many meals do they usually have a day.

3. When do they usually have breakfast/ lunch/…?

4. Do the Americans have large lunches.

5. What meal do they usually have at 5 o’clock?



1. еще одно требование 2. приблизительно в 9.30 утра 3. большинство людей делает перерыв на ленч 4. дают работникам время для этого 5. в городе на улицах (на тротуарах) полно народу 6. обычная полуденная трапеза состоит из 7. что-то легкое, что можно съесть быстро 8. консервированные овощи 9. едят на бегу    
Task I. Translate into English.

1. более широкий выбор

2. дело скорее в огромном ассортименте,

из которого приходится выбирать

3. делает процесс приготовления пищи

самым простым и быстрым делом

4. покупки с помощью компьютера

5. рестораны быстрого питания

6. рестораны, из которых можно выносить еду

7. национальная (этническая) пища

8. ради удобства и экономии

9. пищевая промышленность


Task II. Paraphrase the following:

1. There are meat, vegetables, nuts, cereals in the shops in any season of the year.

2. The microwave oven is a great change in the home preparation of meals.

3. A family goes to the supermarket once a week.

4. The food in such restaurants is not expensive.

5. The Americans want to have healthy food.

6. That’s why there are new technologies of food production.

Task IV. Prove that: - Americans have a good choice of goods. - It is very easy to buy food and to cook in the USA. - Americans like fast-food restaurants. - There are new developments in the American food industry.  

Task III. Answer the questions:

1. Do the Americans sit at table and eat for very long?

2. How many meals do they usually have a day.

3. When do they usually have breakfast/ lunch/…?

4. Do the Americans have large lunches.

5. What meal do they usually have at 5 o’clock?

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