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Exercise 7. Choose the right variant.

1) Before … a chicken I usually stuff it with herbs and onions (frying / roasting).

2) Break the macaroni into small pieces and … it in a pan of salted water (to simmer / to poach).

3) It’s a good idea to coat fish with breadcrumbs before you …it (to fry / to grill).

4) To … an egg you should remove it from its shell and put it in water that is nearly boiling (to steam / to poach).

5) On Monday she used to … bread for the whole week (to bake / to fry).

6) I … the rice in a large saucepan for about eight minutes (to casserole / to boil).

7) … the lamb carefully so that it is nicely browned but not burnt (to stew / to roast).

8) For … one needs a special dish with a lid in which food is cooked in the oven and then served at table (simmering / casseroling).

9) I’d like … steak, please (boiled / grilled).

10)Meat has to be turned frequently on a … if you want it to be properly cooked (a saucepan / a grill).

Exercise 8. Enumerate all possible methods of cooking.

Food Possible methods of cooking

Exercise 9. Answer the following questions.

1) What kind of food do we eat?

2) What’s your favourite food?

3) Are you fond of cooking? Have you taught yourself through cookery books or did somebody teach you?

4) Who does the cooking in your house and which methods are preferred?

5) Which food do you know how to cook best?

6) What do we boil (roast, stew, fry, bake)?

7) What is the difference in the procedures of frying, roasting and grilling?

8) What spices and ingredients do we need for baking, frying, etc.?

Giving Instructions

Remember that written instructions must be clear. For this reason, they tend to consist of short, simple tenses. Each instruction is usually placed on a new line. Imperative forms of the verb are most commonly used for this sort of writing.

The following connectors are sometimes used when giving instructions. Check that you know how to use them:










Exercise 1. Now using these words and expressions connect the instructions in the recipes below.

Bread and Butter Pudding

Beat two eggs.

Add to the eggs one pint of milk and a little flavouring.

Butter the pie-dish and cut three slices of bread and butter, removing the crusts.

Put a layer of bread in the dish.

Sprinkle with sugar and a few raisins.

Add more bread, fruit and sugar and pour over milk and the eggs.

Leave to soak for one hour, bake in a slow oven about an hour.

Sprinkle with sugar before serving.



Take a very fresh sea trout and clean it.

Season the fish with a little ground black pepper.

Place a slice of lemon on the fish, plus a sprig of parsley, plus a tablespoon of dry white wine.

Place the fish on a baking tray, and put it into a pre-heated oven.

The fish will take an hour to cook

The fish is cooked, slide it out of the tray on to a plate and pour the juices over it.


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