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Chris Eubank

Paul Smith

In general, a lot of people are concerned about their health. This is what Paul Smith, the fashion designer says about it:

I have to be careful what I eat because I put on weight easily. I put on weight when I'm travelling, you know, all those meals on the plane, and snacks at airports. And I have a sweet tooth - I eat a lot of chocolate. But I don't worry about it. When I put on weight I just cut down on everything.

I try to eat regularly. I always have toast and coffee in the morning and I enjoy eating fresh fish and vegetables. I like drinking water from the tap and I love good wine and champagne on special occasions. On Sundays I swim for half an hour. I also enjoy cycling and running.

Chris Eubank

Chris Eubank is a boxer. His story is different.

At the moment I’m healthier than any man in the street. I’m fit again, although I had chickenpox not so long ago. I had a temperature of 102 and my face was swollen. Apart from colds and flu, chickenpox is the only illness I’ve had. When we were children my mother gave us basic food like fish, rice, fresh vegetables and fruit. Junk food like hamburgers and sweets are expensive and we couldn’t afford them. The kitchen is the most important room in the house because food is medicine. We weren’t when we were children because we ate the right things. Now I don’t eat until after three in the afternoon because I like to train on an empty stomach.

I began smoking when I was six, but when I was sixteen my chest began to burn whenever I ran fast, so I gave up. My fav


ourite drink is water or pineapple juice.

I don’t feel as if I’m getting old yet - no grey hair and my teeth are all mine.






Home Task Assignment

Read all the descriptions above and write your personal meal ticket about 10-12 sentences long.

Think of ten questions which would help you to learn from your fellow student most important details about her/his visit to a restaurant, any restaurant a fancy restaurant or fast food restaurant. Write all these questions down

Learn by heart the dialogue at the restaurant, be prepared to describe the picture with a family in it having meal.

We'll also check the exercises 59.1 – 59.4

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