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Topics for oral discussion


Personal identification

About myself

Appearance and disposition

Feelings and emotions

National holidays and festivals.

Stereotypes and prejudices

Jobs and professions

Interests of young people in English-speaking countries and in Ukraine

Problems of young people in English-speaking countries and in Ukraine


Family relations

Marriage and wedding customs in English-speaking countries and in Ukraine

Bringing up children

Family problems. One parent family.

There is no place like home

Houses and Housing English-speaking countries and in Ukraine

Living conditions. Inside the house.

Students’ accommodation.

Household chores.

Seasons and the weather

2nd year

Choosing a career

Career training

Occupation. Work and employment.

My University.

My future profession.

Writing a CV (curriculum vitae)

English-speaking countries

Geographical position

England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland

USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand

Capitals of English-speaking countries and their main places of interest

Importance of English language in the world

Ukraine and Ukrainians


Trends in art

Art museums

Painting and famous painters

Art galleries and art exhibitions.

3rd year


The history of cinema

TV and its impact on people

My favourite actor and film director

Film reviews

Media and Art

The press

Radio and TV programmes

New information technologies

Modern means of communication

Man and Music

Trends and genres in music

Youth and music

My preferences in music

5th year

Cross-cultural studies

Ethnicity and Identity

Economy, Culture and Gender Identity

Process of Creating Culture Identities in Modern Europe

Social Difficulty in a Foreign culture

Motivation and Values among Ukrainians, English and other students

Culture Shock, Language shock, Self-discovery



Religious diversity in a Multicultural society

Youth subcultures (Punk, Rave, Hip Hop)


Write a composition on the topic

Friendship in your life. Include the following:

-How do you choose friends

- Describe the appearance and character of your best friend

- Is it important to be a friends to others?

Write a composition on the topic

A famous British artist (musician, writer). Include the following:

-the influence of art on your personality

- modern trends in art

-the famous places of art you’d like to visit

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