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into your Past Chest of Drawers


1) Past ……………….

We use PS when we talk about ……………ed

action in the ………in ……….

# I got access to the Internet yesterday

# I liked reading

2) ……………………

We use ………. when we talk about h…… and

………………….. situations which now……....


# ……………………………………………….

3) Present ………………...

1) Result (when ……….. is………………..

with ……………………………………………)

2) N….. (when we……………………..........…

a ……………………………….........................)

3) with markers a…….y, j….., yet, ….ver, ….er, al……, all my ……..(for a long time),

so …., rec……, late......

4) …………………….. markers

In my life, …………., ………………………,

NB1 when we give …………..…..we use Past Simple

# Today I met Tom, phoned Jim, lost my memory

NB2 When, ………… - ……………………

NB3 When we ……………................ questions we use ……………….... # A: Oh! I’ve burnt myself!

B: How ……… you do that? A: I touched a hot dish.

4) Present ………………Continuous

1)We use PPC when we talk about the action which

……………………………and has just …………....

2)We use PPC w w t a t a which ……………………

...................and is still ………………………………

Markers …………., ……………, ……………..?

NB We don't ………………………....…in PPC.

We use....................................... instead.

Past Continuous

We use PC when smb was in the middle of doing smth and we don’t know if the action was finished or not.



Was / Were + V-ing

Write down the new Rule for Past Continuous

into your Past Chest of Drawers



Homework from the previous lesson check

1. Jack (live) has lived here since he was born (for a very long time) 2. They (wait) have been waiting for us for half an hour. 3. How long has it been raining (rain, it)? 4. How long have you known (know, you) her? 5. I haven’t seen (not, see) you for 3 days. 6. Hello! I have been cleaning (clean) the windows. So far I have cleaned(clean) five of them and there are two more to do 7. There’s a strange smell in here. Have you cooked/ have you been cooking (you/cook) something? 8. My brother is an actor. He has appeared (appear) in several films. 9. My hands are dirty. I have been repairing (repair) my car. 10. That man has been standing (stand) outside for hours. 11. The castle has stood (stand) on that hill for 900 years. 12. Ann has been gardening (garden) all afternoon. She has planted (plant) a lot of rose bushes. 13. How long have you been waiting (you wait)? 14. Her family have farmed (farm) this land since the tenth century. NB: family, police, team = they 15. She has been skiing (only ski) only for two days, but she's doing very well. 16. I have been learning (learn) German for six years. 17. I have learned (learn) most of the irregular verbs. 18. My mother has done (do) all her Christmas shopping. 19. I have been doing (shopping) (do) shopping all day. 20. I have cleaned (clean) the car. Doesn't it look nice? 21. 'You look tired.' 'I have been preparing (prepare) for my exams all day.'



Grammar Homework   1) Very Stupid Story 2) Past Story 3) I’ve been waiting song – 9 lines by heart 4) Translate

Дорогой Мэт!

Надеюсь, с тобой все хорошо! Доктор приходил вчера. Ему не понравился мой кашель (cough). Я лежу в постели, смотря в потолок, со вторника и могу сказать тебе, меня достало это(to be fed up with). Я никогда так не болела до этого - не знаю, что происходит со мной. И погода ужасная. Дождь льет весь день, и я даже не могу выпить чашку чая, чтобы взбодриться (to cheer myself up), потому что молочник (a milkman) не приходил утром. Не знаю, почему - я уверена, я оплатила его счет (bill).

Люси переехала (move to) в Донкастер. С тех пор как Фред бросил (break up with) ее она все время одна.

Больше нет новостей. Напиши, когда будет время. С любовью, Эмма


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