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II. Comprehension

Ex. 1* Answer the questions.

1. What terrible news did Mrs. Mallard's friend have to break?

2. How did she take the message?

3. What did she do after she had cried out her grief?

4. What did Mrs Mallard look like?

5. What was she thinking about?

6. Does the freedom she anticipates have any particular form or con­tent?

7. Is this content positive or negative?

8. Why does the author call her joy " monstrous"?

9. Why was Louise so happy at that bitter moment?

10. What was Louise's attitude towards her husband?

11. Why was her sister worried terribly about her?

12. What killed Mrs Mallard?

Ex. 2. Translate the following phrases and sentences from the text.


2. 3. 4. 5, 6, 7. 8. 9.


Mrs Mallard was afflicted with heart trouble;

she wept at once, with sudden, wild abandonment;

when the storm of grief had spent itself;

whose lines bespoke repression and even a certain strength;

the face that had never looked save with love upon her;

with her lips to the keyhole, improving for admission;

she was drinking in a very elixir of life;

a little travel-stained, composedly carrying his grip-sack;

Josephine's piercing cry; at Richards' quick motion to screen him from

the view of his wife;

great care was taken to break to her... the news of her husband's



Ex. 3- Translate the following passages into Russian:

1. p. 236. From " It was her sister..." to "...in bearing the sad message."

2. p. 236. From " She could see..." to "...in the west facing her window."

3. p. 237. From " There was something coming..." to "...while slender hands

would have been."

4. p. 237. From " When she abandoned herself..." to "...the suggestion as


5. p. 237. From " There would be no one..." to "...brief moment of illumination."

6. p. 238. From " Her fancy was running..." to "...at the bottom."


Ex. 4. Translate all the Vocabulary entries and examples.

Ex. 5. Replace the italicized parts of the sentences by words and phrases from the text.

1. Richards was in the newspaper office when the information about the rail accident was received.

2. Mr. Mallard's name was the first in the list o/" Killed",

3. She sank into a comfortable armchair which stood in front of the window.

4. She suffered from heart disease.

5. Her husband loved her but he used to force his will upon her.

6. She thought that many years to come would belong to her absolutely,

7. Josephine was kneeling before the door begging her sister to let her in,

8. She felt something getting to her through the sounds, the scents, the color that filled the air.

9. She kept looking through the window without seeing anything.

10. She uttered a prayer that her life might be long.

11. There was a terrible accident on the railroad.

12. He waited for some time to assure himself of the truth.

13. When she had cried her grief out she went away to her room.

14. She didn 4 allow anyone to go with her.

15. She was pressed with physical exhaustion which seemed to get to her soul.


16. A peddler announced his goods for sale.

17. There were spots of blue sky here and there.

18. A whispered word got away from her lips.

19. Josephine tried to hide the terrible truth as long as possible.

Ex. 6. Paraphrase or explain in your own words the italicised parts of the following sentences. Translate them into Russian.

1. She didn't hear the story with a paralyzed inability to accept its significance as many women did. 2. She sank into a roomy armchair. 3. She was pressed down by a physical exhaustion that haunted her body. 4. A sob came up into her throat and shook her. 5. Her gaze was fixed away off yonder. 6. She was striving to beat it back with her will. 7. She saw beyond that bitter moment many years that would belong to her absolutely. 8. She opened and spread her arms out to them in welcome. 9. There would be no powerful will bending hers in; that blind persistence. 10. What could love count form the face of this possession of self-assertion.

Ex. 7. Fill in the blanks with prepositions (where necessary).

1. There was something coming... her, and she was waiting... it.

2. They believe that they have a right to impose their will... a fellow creature.

3. Her sister was kneeling... the closed door... her lips to the key­hole, imploring... admission.

4. Together they descended... the stairs.

5. Someone opened the door... a key.

6. He stood amazed... Josephine's cry.

7. What could love count... in face of the freedom, which she suddenly recognized... as the strongest impulse of her being.

8. A little whispered word escaped... her lips.

9. He was afraid that she might be afflicted... the news.

10. The notes of a distant song reached... her faintly.

11. She opened her arms... them... welcome.

12. She met... her husband-to-be in St. Louis.

13. The State must care... the killed... the accident

Ex. 8. Translate the sentences paying special attention to the meaning of the italicized words and phrases from the Vocabulary.

1. He passed the halfway mark still in the lead. 2. And the only time a female got to lead musicians was when twirling a baton. 3. The athletic season culminated with many confrontations against Yale, but Jason led the


tennis team to victory. 4. Danny Rossi had chosen to lead the class to be the first to dive from the cozy safety of Harvard into the icy waters of the real World. 5. She reached out instinctively for Alex's hand. 6. He had been touched by her warmth and the way she had reached out to Amanda. 7. She reached the cozy little house in a matter of moments. 8. She reached out to her but then she pulled back. 9. Among the letters that came after her arrival was a long letter from Charlotte reaching out to the young woman. 10. T've spent the last nine months reading books on child care. 11. He escaped in time to fight in the War of Independence. 12. " Thanks, sir, " Ted blurted and whirled again to escape. 13. Lara walked back to the clerk, trying to conceal her excitement. 14. He then revealed that his name was no longer Andrew, but Gyanananda, which is Hindi for " seeker of happiness and knowledge." 15. She was somewhat surprised when he stood up and reached for his parka. 16. In Highlands a plaid covered a man's body against bitter cold but kept his legs free so that he could race across the peat and escape his enemies. {From " The Class" by £ Segal and " A Perfect Stranger" by D. Steel)

Ex. 9. Translate the words in brackets and use them in the proper form. (See the Vocabulary).

1. He didn't know the Israeli principle of (руководство) which could be summed up in two words " Follow me". Officers (руководить) all missions from the front. 2. Faith then (проводить/вести) both men to the terrace where a large pitcher of martini awaited. 3. She was (вести) a new life now in Santa-Eugenia. 4. She turned the last corner before she (достигать) the house. 5. He longed to shelter her, (заботиться) of her. 6. I (все равно) what his reasons are. Besides doesn't the Bible allow us an eye for an eye? 7. They were superior beings from another world, and Lara envied them and longed to (бежать) with them when they left at the end of summer.

Ex. 10. Give the meaning of the italicized words.

1. a) His face remained expressionless, b) The map was lying on its face, c) That meant four hours of her company and he knew he couldn't face it. d) You'll have to face the facts sooner or later, e) The windows faced the street. 2. a) You had better take the child by the hand when crossing the street, b) Hand me your cup, I'll pour you some more tea. 3. a) You're not supposed to point fingers at people, b) She stood fingering her handkerchief. 4. a) Her eyes wide open, she was looking about in surprise, b) The boy was eyeing me with interest. 5. a) The old man had a fine head, b) The expedition headed north. 6. a) Why must he always be nosing about? b) The boat nosed


her way through the channel. 7. a) His fingers are all thumbs, b) He thumbed through the book.

Ex. 11. Find in the text English equivalents for the foHowing phrases and use them in the translation below.

1. страдала от сердечного заболевания 15.

2. несчастье на железной дороге 16.

3. задержался, чтобы убедиться 17.

4. передать печальную весть 18.

5. не позволила пойти за собой 19.

6. взгляд застыл 20.

7. подходить все ближе и ближе 21.

8. сердце быстро забилось 22.

9. отогнать мысль 23.

10. застывшее посеревшее лицо 24.

11. вереница лет 25.

12. добрые/злые намерения 26.

13. купалась в эликсире жизни 27.

14. с содроганием думала 28.

сообщить новость скрытые намеки первым в списке буря слез улеглась проникает в душу неясная мысль сорваться с губ отбросить предположение напротив окна потухшие глаза покоряться воле слепое упорство умолять спустилась по лестнице

Случилось несчастье на железной дороге: погибли люди. Первым в списке погибших значился мистер Маллард. Когда пришло это сообщение, его друг Ричарде был в редакции газеты и первым узнал о трагедии. Нужно было передать эту печальную весть миссис Маллард, однако, это нужно было сделать с большой осторожностью, так как у нее было больное сердце. Сестра миссис Маллард завуалированными намеками насколько возможно осторожно (мягко) рассказала ей о случившемся. Миссис Маллард разрыдалась, и когда буря слез улеглась, одна удалилась в свою комнату. Она села в большое удобное кресло напротив окна, потухшими глазами наблюдая за облаками, скользящими по голубому небу. Какая-то неясная мысль, которую она никак не могла уловить, беспокоила ее. Она чувствовала ее в пении птиц, запахе весны, в воздухе, который врывался к ней в окно. Эта мысль подходила все ближе и ближе и вдруг, как легкий ветер, сорвалась с ее губ. Она прошептала: " Свободна, свободна! " Ее охватил ужас, но глаза ее сияли, сердце забилось. Она попыталась отогнать эту мысль. Эта радость была ужасна, но она завладела ею. Миссис Маллард знала, что она будет плакать, увидев застывшее посеревшее лицо своего мужа, но за этим ужасным моментом она видела вереницу лет, которые будут принадлежать

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только ей, она будет жить для себя, ее воля не должна покоряться воле мужа. Его добрые намерения делали этот акт не менее ужасным. Очнувшись от этого сна, она услышала голос своей сестры, молящей ее открыть дверь. Наконец она поднялась, глаза ее лихорадочно горели. Она открыла дверь, и, обняв сестру, спустилась по лестнице.

Кто-то открывал входную дверь. Неся саквояж и зонтик, вошел ее муж. Он ничего не знал о несчастье на железной дороге. Жозефина вскрикнула, а Ричард пытался заслонить его от жены. Но было поздно. Врачи сказали, что она умерла от сердечного приступа. Это радость убила ее.

Ex. 12. Translate the sentences using expressions with the verb take.

1. Ей придется попытать счастья с другими претендентами на эту работу. 2. Он решил рискнуть и поставил деньги (bet on) на эту лошадь.

3. Он был не очень хорошим шахматистом, но, воспользовавшись ошибкой соперника, он выиграл партию. 4. Я не хотел ее обидеть (hurt), она всегда обижается на мои шутки. 5. Он очень интересный человек, я получаю огромное удовольствие от его общества и беседы с ним. 6. Это произошло здесь, на этом самом месте, где мы сейчас с вами находимся. 7. Не торопись и выполни эту работу хорошо. 8. Ее сестра была милой и нежной, она приняла несчастье Луизы близко к сердцу.

Ex. 13. Translate the words in brackets. (See the Vocabulary).

1. He took to his bed (пораженный) rheumatism. 2. This is made of glass, so (осторожно) not to break it. 3. He tried (скрыть) the fact that he was in despair. 4. One day the truth of these events (будет раскрыта). 5. A thick veil (скрывать) her face. 6. Our guide (проводить) us through a number of caves. 7. Who is the man (напротив) us? 8. The animal (сбежать) from its cage. 9. He (получать огромное удовольствие) in playing with the child. 10. (Помяни мое слово), there will be some big changes in the coming year. 11. He (водить) everybody by nose. 12. Her father (вести) her to the altar. 13. The ceremony (состояться) at the Westminster Abbey. 14. The officer (был уволен) from service for neglect of duty.

Ex. 14. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. Они не смогли скрыть от нее правду. 2. Собака вела слепого по улице. 3. Доктор скрыл от него безнадежное состояние его жены.

4. Секретарь ввел посетителей в кабинет. 5. В этом году было очень много катастроф: крушения самолетов, пожары, наводнения, войны.


6. He спеши, проверь все спокойно. 7. Он был всегда готов идти на риск. 8. Он воспользуется твоей ошибкой, помяни мое слово. 9. Куда выходят ваши окна? 10. Куда ведет эта дорога? 11. Повернись ко мне, я хочу поговорить с тобой. 12. Все дороги ведут в Рим. 13. Вам повезло, что вы избежали наказания. 14. На полу лужи, где-то протекает вода. 15. Она принимает все близко к сердцу. 16. Она взяла на себя труд написать ему и сообщить о случившемся. 17. Он был уволен со службы за опоздания. 18. Она отбросила эту глупую мысль.

Ex. 15. Insert the proper word in the required form.

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