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The gift of the magi. 1. Support, carry, hold up

1. support, carry, hold up

□ The columns bear the weight of the roof.

2. have or show

□ What he says bears no relation to the truth (= it's very different from the truth).

3. suffer without complaining, tolerate

О She bore the pain with great courage.

4. greatly dislike

П I can't bear to hear a baby crying.

5. give birth to.

□ She bore three children.

6. produce (a crop, fruit, etc.); give (literal or figurative) fruit D I hope your new plan will bear fruit.

bear in mind not forget

□ He didn't do the job very well, but you must bear in mind that he was ill at the time.

bear one's cross burden (this is Biblical theme and is always used figuratively)

П It's a very serious disease, but I'll bear my cross.

bear the brunt withstand the worst part or the strongest part of smth., such as an at tack

□ I had to bear the brunt of her screaming. bear one's age well look younger

□ I know why he bears his age well; he doesn't smoke.

bear with someone or smth. be patient with someone or smth. П Please bear with my old car. It'll get us there sooner or later.

puU (v)

1. move, drag

П Help me move this piano: you pall and I'll push.

2. (up, on, at, out) move towards, sometimes with force

He pulled his chair up to the table. D He pulled his socks on.

3. (in) attract

□ The football match pulled in great crowds. pull up stop

□ I pulled up at the traffic light, waiting for it to change to green. pull a face (faces) make an expression with the face to show rude amuse

ment, disagreement, dislike D The mother told her little son not to pull faces. pull one's weight/carry one's weight do one's full share of work

□ Tom, you must be more helpful. We all have to pull our weight.

pull oneself together become emotionally stabilized; control the feelings of (oneself)

П Now, calm down. Pull yourself together, pull strings use influence (with someone to get smth. done)


П Is it possible to get anything done around here without pulling strings? take a pride (in) feel satisfaction and pleasure

□ They take great pride in their daughter, who is now a famous scientist. sparkle (v.) shine in small flashes

□ Her diamond sparkled in the sunlight.

collect (v) bring or gather together

Collect the books and put them in a pile on my desk. collect one's thoughts bring together one's thoughts

П When passing exams he collects his thoughts.

pant (v) take quick short breaths; gasp

□ Somebody is panting in the darkness. fix (v)

1. fasten firmly

He fixed the picture in position with a nail.

(Fig.) Let me fix the address in my mind.

2. arrange

П If you want to meet them, I can fix it.

3. repair

□ I must get the radio fixed, fix on

1. (fix on smb./smth.) decide on

□ We've fixed on starting tomorrow.

2. (fix smth. on smb./smth.) direct (one's eyes, attention, etc.) steadily at П His eyes were fixed on Delia.

fix up provide with, supply a person with smth

□ The usher fixed us up with seats at the front of the theater. fixedly (adv) unchangingly; with great attention

П He stared fixedly at her beautiful present.

worship (v) show great respect, admiration, etc. (See Verbs of liking and disliking p. 182)

(Fig.) He worships the very ground she walks on.

leap (v) jump

□ With a leap, the tiger was attacking the elephant.

wise (adj) having or showing good sense, cleverness, the ability to understand what happens and decide on the right action

□ It was wise of you to leave.

none the wiser knowing no more, after being told

П I was none the wiser after he'd explained everything. sacrifice (n) (v) loss or giving up of something of value, esp. for something thought to be of greater value

П She made a lot of sacrifices for her children.


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