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II. COMPREHENSION. Ex. 1. Answer the questions.

Ex. 1. Answer the questions.

1. What kind of garden did the Giant have?

2. Why did the children like to play there?

3. How did the Giant behave after his return?

4. What happened when the Spring came?

5. Could the Giant understand why the Spring was so late?

6. What did the Giant hear and see one morning?

7. Why was it still winter in one corner of the garden?

8. What did the Giant determine to do?

9. What was his attitude to the children after that?

10. Why did the Giant long for the little boy?

11. What marvellous sight did the Giant see one winter morning?

12. What were his feelings?

13. How did the story end?


Ex. 2. Find Russian equivalents to the following expressions from the text.

Flowers like stars; delicate blossoms; rich fruit; in order to listen; had to say; determined to return; put up a notice-board; wander round the walls; slip back into the garden; invite to stay; wrapped in furs; blow down; breath like ice; lie awake; delicious perfume; open casement; branches of the tree; have the children back; top of the tree; knock down; stole up behind him; the trees broke into blossom; left sad; grew feeble; rubbed his eyes; fruit hung down from the branches; grew red with anger; wound; slay; strange awe; knelt before the little child.

Ex. 3. Translate the following expressions and sentences from the text.

1. Peach-trees broke out into delicate blossoms of pink and pearl. 2. Peach-trees bore rich fruit. 3. He had been to visit his friends.

4. A beautiful flower slipped back into the ground again and went off to sleep.

5. The North Wind roared all day about the garden and blew the chimney-pots down. 6. Every day for three hours he rattled on the roof of the castle. 7. The Hail ran round the garden as fast as he could go. 8. The music sounded so sweet to the Giant's ears. 9. It was so long since he had heard a bird sing in his garden. 10. The trees were waving their arms gently above the children's heads. 11. A little boy was wandering all round the tree, crying bitterly. 12. The Giant stole up behind the boy and took him gently in his hand. 13. In the evening the children came to the Giant to bid him good-bye. 14. Suddenly the Giant rubbed his eyes in wonder and looked. 15. Down­stairs ran the Giant in great joy. 16. The Giant longed for his first little friend.

Ex. 4. Translate the following passages.

1. p. 169. From " Then the Spring came, and all over the country there were..." to "...invited the North Wind to stay with them, and he came."

2. p. 170. From " He saw a most wonderful sight. Through a little hole..." to "...but the boy was too tiny."


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