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The dinner party. Gleaming splendidly that wonderful yellow glow that such jewels can com­mand

gleaming splendidly... that wonderful yellow glow that such jewels can com­mand. II. Then there was a pause,... each guest looked expectantly... his neighbour. 12. There was a tradition, after dinner ladies left the gentlemen... their port. 13. He chided her... her carelessness. 14. No servants had entered... the room, no one had left... it... a moment. 15. The French cabinet minister was most insistent... being searched.


Ex. 22. Memorize the proverbs and use them a) to prove the main point of the story; b) in a natural context;

□ Friendship is as friendship does.

□ A friend in need is a friend indeed.

Ex. 23. Retell the story according to the given plan using the following words and expressions:

1. Uncle Octavian gives a dinner party:

a full thirty years ago; important (to); in the pride of; host; hospitable; to give a dinner party; old flames; at least; deeply privileged; to stay with; exquisite; exciting (to); to include

II. The guests admire the princess's ring:

dessert; to lean forward; to admire; magnificent; handsome; to flash; grace­fully; to have a look; to pass smth on (to); next-door neighbour

III. The princess wishes to have her ring back:

to murmur; to look expectantly; less easily; a touch of; practical joke

IV. The ring is lost:

embarrassment; freezing politeness; to be searched; minute scrutiny; to van­ish; theft; cherished; insistent; to turn out one's pockets; to make amends: fruitless; to be the first to leave; to comfort

V. Uncle Octavian becomes a recluse: on whai.cale; recluse; to one's surprise; comparatively poor

Ex. 24. Retell the story in the words of:

a) the princess; b) one of the guests.


Ex. 25. Make a character sketch of: a) uncle Octavian; b) the princess.

Ex- 26. Write out the words and expressions pertaining to: a) the de­scription of the ring; b) Mr Octavian's guests and use them in your description.

Ex. 27. Explain:

a) why the host (Mr Octavian) said there would be no searching in his house;

b) the change in uncle Octavian's character after the unfortunate inci­dent;

c) the guests' reaction to the ring disappearance.

Ex. 28. Topics for discussion and essays.

1. What in your opinion may have happened to the ring?

2. " The rich do have their problems, " says the author. Speak on some of them.

3. Why was the young man who witnessed the incident so dazzled by being admitted to the party?

4. Speak on some distinctive features of the young man — the narrator.

5. Speak on the society code of that time.

6. Compare two stories: " The Dinner Party" and " The Watch" by A.I. Kuprin (see Ex. 26).

Ex. 29. Give a free translation of the text.

Брегет (The Watch)

no A.M. Куприну...Дядя замолчал, потом он начал:

Собрались мы раз у ротмистра фон Ашенберга на именины. Было Дело зимой. Расквартированы мы были по маленьким деревушкам. Глушь, тоска просто невероятные. Оставалось нам только одно — карты и пьянство. Люди были разные, но все замечательные, честные и храбрые.

Был в этой компании поручик Чекмарев, наш общий любимец и баловень. Веселый, щедрый, ловкий красавец, словом, чудесный Малый. Был он очень богат. Собрались мы все люди холостые, выпили страшно много. Один из нас вспомнил., что граф Ольховский ездил к

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