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A Note from Georgia

Louise Rennison

Dancing in My Nuddy-Pants

Confessions of Georgia Nicolson

Once again, this work of geniosity is dedicated to my lovely family (whom I lobe very much) and my beyond marvy mates. To Mutti, Vati, Soshie, John, Eduardo delfonso delgardo, Honor, Libbs, Millie, Arrow and Jolly, Kimbo, the Kiwi-a-gogo branch, Salty Dog, Jools and the Mogul, Big Fat Bob, Jimjams, Elton, Jeddbox, Lozzer, Mrs. H, Geoff, Mizz Morgan, Alan “it’s not a perm” Davies, Jenks the Pen, Kim and Sandy, Black Dog, Downietrousers and his lovely fiancé e, Andy Pandy, Phil and Ruth, Cock of the North and family, Lukey and Sue, Tony the Frock, Ian the Computer, the Ace Gang from Parklands, St Nicks.
Much love and thanks to the the fabulous
Clare (the Empress) and to Gillon, as always.
And with lots of love to my new family in Hamburger-a-gogo land and the HarperCollins crew. Especial thanks to Alix Reid and Tara and the very talented design and marketing types who have made me the HUGE (but charmingly modest) person I am today. And finally, Dancing in My Nuddy-Pants is dedicated to the lovely people who have read my books and written to tell me how much they aime them.

I love you all.

I do.



A Note from Georgia

She Who Laughs Last Laughs the Laughingest

School Panto Fiasco

Furry Baby Jesuses

Frogland Extravaganza

The Cosmic Horn

Go Forth, Georgia, and Use Your Red Bottom Wisely



About the Author

Other Books by Georgia Nicolson



About the Publisher

A Note from Georgia

Hello, my gorgey little chums,

It’s me here writing to you once again from the seat of civilization (and no, I do not mean the lavatory…or rest room as you lot alarmingly call it). What I mean is I am writing to you from my bedroom to welcome you to another exciting(ish) diary of my fabulous life. Within these pages I run the gamut of emotions from A to—er—C, with just a dash of heavy snogging. You will laugh, you will cry, you will plead that you have a headache, but you know in the end you will have to read my book. And so you should, because as you know by now I am a naturally shy person and not one to dance around in the nuddy-pants for no good reason. Besides, it has taken me minutes…er…no, hours to write this diary for your enjoymentosity.

I do it only because I love you.


I mean this with deepest sinceriosity.


Which is not an easy thing to say. You try it and see.


Some complete fool (my vati) says that in Hamburger-a-gogo land “fanny” means bottom.

This can’t possibly be true. Teeheeee heeee.


It is true, isn’t it?


Do you know what “fanny” means in English?


I do; however it is a secret I will take with me to the grave.


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