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Gift giving in the international business context.

In Great Britain and the United States corporate gift giving is not a very popular 1 ___. People can spend their entire working lives without ever 2 ____a corporate gift. However, gift giving is sometimes an integral part of the 3___process when doing business 4___. It is important to learn about the 5 _______of gift giving before sending or taking a gift to an international client or business partner, or you may find that your gesture appears 6___. For example, in China a desk clock 7____of bad luck or death. It is also interesting to note that the receiver never opens a gift in front of the giver as that would signify that the content was more important than the act of giving. Waiting for the person to open your gift would show that you were not 8_____to Chinese culture. In France, don’t give something with your company 9 ___, as they find items like this impersonal and in bad 10____. Giving knives in Italy, Russia or Argentina could lead to problems in establishing a 11____ as this signifies cutting off the relationship! Giving flowers is another possible minefield. In England, Australia and Canada, some people see white lilies as a symbol of death while in Germany, yellow and white chrysanthemums could be seen this way.


Complete the sentences below using the expressions in the box in the correct imperative form, positive or negative.

flexible assume increase expect invest study

1. Don’t judge, be curious and fascinated instead.

2. _________ some time in preparing yourself for encounters with other business and cultural styles.

3. _________ your understanding of the countries and cultures you are visiting by attending cross-cultural seminars.

4. _________the general protocol and etiquette of the country or countries you are visiting.

5. _________delays, frequent changes in plans and cancellations.

6. _________ to have easy access to your e-mail while on the road.

7. _________ when negotiating prices.

8. ________ that market or sales techniques that work in your country, work in others.


Pre- reading discussion:

1. What customs surround a business lunch in your country?

1. At what time do you eat?

2. How long does the meal last?

3. Do you talk about business all the time or just at the end of the meal?

4. Do you drink alcohol?

Now read the article and compare your answers.

Text B

Who’s for a business lunch?

Forget the language barriers. Forget the jet lag. If you’re travelling abroad on business, your most difficult problem is lunch. Every country has different customs and you can’t afford to get it wrong.

Down in the south of Europe, lunch breaks last a long time. In Italy they can last three hours. In Spain they can be followed by a siesta. Some Greek people actually have a siesta instead of lunch, so they can prepare for a very substantial late dinner. And when dinner comes, everyone’s attention is on the food. So don’t worry if the business discussion is slow starting. The goal is to eat well, demonstrate hospitality and develop relationships. Business can wait.

Some lunches are lighter than others. If you’re in Scandinavia, a business lunch is sometimes just a plate of sandwiches. And don’t be surprised if your hosts refuse alcohol and drink milk instead – and skimmed milk at that. Not all places are so health-conscious. As one Russian businessman remarked “The Americans are always complaining about smoking and drinking. In Russia we have no problem. We do both.”

The French like to take a long time over their lunch. One traveler can recall a French lunch that lasted seven hours. French restaurants sometimes have a special “business menu”. This is a trick. It’s a reasonably quick three course meal designed for people who have no business to do. If you want to do business, choose from the real menu and take your time. Anything under about two hours is classed as a coffee break.

When it comes to Ukraine, however tiring the day of negotiations has been, don’t refuse an invitation to dinner. Toasting at the dinner table is just as important as the goals achieved in the morning negotiations, if not more so. It is a part of building relationship of trust and loyalty.

Notes: jet lag – перевтома від довгих перельотів

siesta – короткий сон

skimmed milk – збиране (обезжирене) молоко


  Typical length Usual time Business talk Alcohol consumption
UK   1.00 –2.00 throughout the meal å å
Scandinavia 1 hour 12.00 –1.00 throughout the meal å
Russia 1.5 hour 1.00 –2.30 throughout the meal å å å
Germany up to 2 hours 1.00 –2.00 throughout the meal å å å
Belgium/Netherlands 1 hour 12.00 –1.00 throughout the meal å å å
France/Luxem-bourg 2 hours 12.00 –2.00 only after the cheese å å å
Italy 2 hours 1.00 -3.00+ late in the meal å å å å å
Spain/Portugal 3 hours + 12.30 –4.00 late in the meal å å å
Greece several hours more likely to be dinner occasionally å å å å å

2. According to the writer of the article, are these statements true (T) or false (F)?

1. Lunch is a more serious problem than jet lag for business travelers.  
2. People in Spain have a short sleep before lunch.  
3 If you are dining with Greek people, they will talk about business all the time.  
4. Scandinavians eat very substantial lunches.  
5. Americans smoke and drink a lot at lunch.  
6. French business menus are not suitable for people who have to do business. 7. In Ukraine you should refuse the invitation to dinner when the day was tiring.    

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