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Read the text and discuss it with other students. USAOpera Lafayette Orchestra and Chorus

Opera Lafayette Orchestra and Chorus

Opera Lafayette was founded by Artistic Director Ryan Brown in 1995 as The Violins of Lafayette, producing a series of chamber concerts, an 18th century drawing room in the Corcoran Gallery of Art in Washington DC. In the following seasons, the ensemble grew to produce larger works in various venues around the city and quickly established a reputation for excellence. As part of its artistic development. The Violins of Lafayette gave particular attention to performances of opera, both semi-staged and in concert.


Robert Baker, Tenor American tenor Robert Baker has sung in more than 200 performances with The Washington National Opera, including recent appearances as the High Priest in Idomeneo, Remandado in Carmen, the 1st Jew in Salome, Don Basilio in Le nozze di Figaro, the Magician in The Consul, and the Emperor in Turandot. He recently made debuts at the Metropolitan Opera as well as the Spoleto Festival in War and Peace.

Kirsten Blaise, Soprano One of the most remarkable young singers to emerge in recent years, soprano Kirsten Blaise is rapidly earning outstanding critical acclaim for her performances in concert and recital throughout the world. Ms. Blaise is an artist of broad scope whose repertoire ranges from John Dowland to John Adams, from Chamber Music to Opera. Since her debut she has been in particular demand for her interpretations of Bach, Handel, Mozart, and repertoire of the French Baroque.

Robert Breault, Tenor Mr. Breault enjoys an international career that encompasses opera, oratorio, recital, and concert work. His warm and flexible tenor voice and dramatic acting skills account for his enthusiastic reception and re-engagements wherever he performs. The San Francisco Chronicle called his voice “a tenor of unwavering resonance.” The Washington Post noted, “Breault’s voice has a powerful character with a sturdy range”.

Miriam Dubrow, Soprano Ms. Dubrow began her vocal training in Philadelphia. She continued her studies on scholarship at the Peabody Conservatory working with Phyllis Bryn-Julson and Wayne Conner. Ms. Dubrow has also won several singing fellowships, including invitations to the Tanglewood Music Center and the Israel Vocal Arts Institute in Tel Aviv, where she performed a series of lieder concerts with the renown pianist/conductor Martin Isepp and under sponsorship by the British Council.

Elizabeth Field, Violin Ms. Field, a member of the Opera Lafayette Orchestra for several years, enjoys an active career as both a chamber musician and soloist on both period and modern instruments throughout the United States and Europe. Ms. Field holds a Doctorate from Cornell University in Historical Performance Practice and from 1993 to 1999 served as Professor of violin at California State University, Sacramento and The University of California, Davis. She is currently teaching at Duke University where she is helping to establish a Historical Performance Practice program.

Franzois Loup, Bass-Baritone Franzois Loup, singer, actor and stage director made his debut on the international music scene at the 1974 Spoleto Festival at the invitation of Gian Carlo Menotti. His reputation rapidly grew to international stature and he first performed in Washington in 1981. Mr. Loup has performed with the Metropolitan Opera of New York since 1992 where he has given more than a hundred performances in major roles like Bartolo (Mozart and Rossini), Dulcamara in Elisir d’Amore, Sulpice in the Daughter of the Regiment as well as in the Sacristan in Tosca.

Catherine Turocy, Choreographer and Dancer Catherine Turocy is Artistic Director and co-founder of The New York Baroque Dance Company and is internationally recognized for her contribution to the current revival of 18th century works. She has been commissioned to choreograph over 20 opera productions in France and the United States, including Rameau’s Les Borйades and Les Fкtes dHйbй, Leclair’s Scylla et Glaucus, Charpentier’s Les Arts Florissants.

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