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VIII. Fill the gaps with the appropriate compounds.







1.... Mr Howard looks …………………. although he's not so poor at all. He simply doesn't care about clothes and appearance.

2............................................................ The latest model of the car is ……………….. It's packed with high-tech gadgetry and it's advertised as the automobile of the 21s' century.

3............................. The ………… increase in utility costs will affect both the rich and the poor.

4.................................................................................... The party that the Wilsons launched was just a(n) ………………. barbecue. Nothing special, really, but we enjoyed it the same.

5.............................................................. You look rather strange in these ……………… clothes. I'd rather you wore something more modern.








6.... This information is strictly confidential. I don't want it to be leaked to the press, so keep it ……………………, please.

7............................. It's …………………… whether your plans are successful. Anything can happen in this situation.

8............................................................... Nobody seems to care about the ……………….. members of the society even though they scrape a living.

9..................................................... The patient requires a(n) …………………. care and that's why there's always a nurse by his bed.

10.. The company doesn't cover the ……………….. expenses that you incur during a business trip. They only pay for your tickets.









11.. The witness gave a(n) ……………….. description of the events that took place that night. It’s amazing how many details she remembered.

12. We love visiting ……………….. places where few have ever been before.

13. I feel ………… each time my friends ask me a favour. Whenever I ask them to do something for me, they say they have more important things to do.

14.. Don't you think that people are already fed up with ………… nudity? It's on TV, in advertising, in the press, namely, everywhere.

15.. I like Rita's ……….… approach to life. She's always so realistic and practical.








16.. We made a(n) ……………… effort to recover the data but it was all in vain.

17.. The company that Ron set up was a(n) ……………… business. He aimed only at making quick profits by means of fraudulent operations.

18.. The summer holidays are a(n) ………………. period for our business. Usually, our sales fall by half at that time.

19.. The theatre play was not special in any way. It was just a(n) ……………. performance.

20. The boss didn't invite anybody else for the meeting but me. It was a(n) …………………… session.








21.. Our daughter has …………….. talent. She can sing, dance, act and play the piano. We’re so proud of her.

22.. The dishonest official was charged with accepting …………… payments for fixing his clients' matters faster.

23. Ever since the new government took over, the economic situation has been on the ………………….. The living conditions have improved a lot.

24............................................................. You've been hiding your concerns for too long, Danny. Why don't you confide in me? Why don't you have a(n) ………………. talk with me?

25.. Sean will complain about his situation, but the truth is he's not really keen on finding a job. He's a lazy ………………...








26.. My husband's a(n) …………………… He can do all the repairs at home.

27.. Harold is still a boy of twelve but he's a(n) ……………….. young pianist. The experts say he will make a great musician if he works hard.

28.. Joe swears like a lord and gets blind drunk every second day. No wonder his …………………… conduct has earned him more enemies than friends.

29.. The Lintons are a(n) …………….. family. They have inherited huge riches from their grandfather who set up this highly profitable business in the twenties.

30.. For two weeks I was on sick leave and therefore I'm not …………………. on the latest operations in the company. Tell me what’s new.











31. The striking employees have not actually stopped working but their protest has taken the form of a …………………….

32. Frankly speaking, we didn’t give the matter any serious consideration. It was rather a ………………….. decision.

33. ‘I’m feeling so weak and weary.’ ‘I’ll get you an energy drink. It’s the best ……………………….’

34.. The correspondent was able to give a ………………. Account of the situation in the refugee camp where he had spent over two weeks.

35.. Mr Blanks is too old to run a company like this. He never changes his old tactics and never follows the latest trends. He’s a real ………………...

36.. No wonder his life is so boring and monotonous. He's a ………….………...

37.. The mayor of our town is ………………….. because of so many good things he has done for the city. The citizens respect him a lot.

38.. A good waiter should never forget about the basic ………………… of his job, namely, kindness and helpfulness.



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