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The principal radial valleys are (clockwise from the south) those of Dunnerdale, Eskdale, Wasdale, Ennerdale, Lorton Vale and the Buttermere valley, the Derwent valley and Borrowdale, the valleys containing Ullswater and Haweswater, Longsleddale, the Kentmere valley and those radiating from the head of Windermere including Great Langdale. The valleys serve to break the mountains up into separate blocks which have been described by various authors in different ways. The most frequently encountered approach is that made popular by Alfred Wainwright who published seven separate area guides to the Lakeland Fells;

Hills (Fells)

The four highest mountains in the Lake District each exceed 3000ft (914m). These are;

· Scafell Pike, 978 m (3, 210 ft),

· Scafell, 965 m (3, 162 ft),

· Helvellyn, 951 m (3, 118 ft) and

· Skiddaw, 931 m (3, 054 ft).

There are numerous mountains over 2500ft (762m) - various lists of Lake District peaks may be found at list of fells in the Lake District and the list of hills in the Lake District.

The impressive bulk of the Scafellmassif, the highest ground in England, seen over Wasdale.

The North Western Fells lie between Borrowdale and Bassenthwaite Lake to the east and Buttermere and Lorton Vale to the west. Their southernmost point is at Honister Pass. This area includes the Derwent Fells above the Newlands Valley and hills to the north amongst which are Dale Head, Robinson. To the north stand Grasmoor - highest in the range at 852m (2795ft), Grisedale Pike and the hills around the valley of Coledale, and in the far north-west is Thornthwaite Forest and Lord's Seat. The fells in this area are rounded Skiddaw Slate, with few tarns and relatively few rock faces.


Only one of the lakes in the Lake District is called by that name, Bassenthwaite Lake. All the others such as Windermere, Coniston Water, Ullswater and Buttermere are meres, tarns and waters, with mere being the least common and water being the most common. The major lakes and reservoirs in the National Park are Bassenthwaite Lake, Brotherswater, Buttermere, Coniston Water, Crummock Water, Derwent Water, Devoke Water and other.

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