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Mass Media

Date Study Material Follow-up Creative task: *choose one of the following and get ready for class presentation
20-26. 10. Read the text “The British Press”, Horizons, pp.31-36; Word study, pp.17-21. Fill in the chart comparing the quality papers and yellow papers: their circulation, readership, topics, style, language, layout, etc.  
Broadsheets Tabloids


Plan or write down the speaking point “The importance and characteristics of the British press”.


Find some information about the British papers. Speak about one or two in class. Read the electronic version of these newspapers. What was the news? How was it presented? Was it interesting for you to read the newspapers on the internet? Write 10 sentences about this experience and later present it in class.
27.10.- 02.11. Read the text “British Radio and Television”, Horizons, pp.47-52; Word study, pp.22-25 Do the guide to the text. Make up a scheme that illustrates the structure of British Radio and TV.   Compare the output of 5 national channels in Britain and some Belarusian \ Russian TV channels and speak about the viewing habits of the British and Belarusian people. What is shown at prime time? How many types of TV programmes have you found? Make a short analysis in class “The output of British and Belarusian TV”.
03-09. 11. Listen to the tape R. Moody. On British TV and Radio Follow the guide to the tape. Write out various types of TV programmes the speaker mentions. What are they? Plan or write down the speaking point “Radio and TV in GB”. What two sectors does the British radio fall into? What sources does the private radio sector derive its financing from? What two sectors does the British television fall into? What is the difference between The BBC and ITV? What role do television and radio play in British life? Plan or write down the speaking point “Radio and TV in Great Britain”  
11-16. 11. Read the texts “The Open University”; “The people’s University”; “Spot the Open University Student”, Horizons, pp.65-69; Word study Ex.8-9, p.30-31 Sum up the 3 texts by writing down the most important / interesting facts and opinions about the Open University.   Plan or write down the speaking point “The Open University”. Write your ideas on one of the following themes:
  • “Distance education: problems, advantages and perspectives”
  • “What do I like and dislike about my distance learning”
  • “What is an Open University student like? ”
17-30. 11. Test for unit “Mass Media” Vocabulary revision Put down the vocabulary definitions in the language learning diary.


Date Study Material Follow-up Creative task: *choose one of the following and get ready for class presentation
01-06. 12. Read the texts “Proms ride a wave of classical popularity”; “The history of the Proms” Horizons, pp.98-100; Word study, Ex.9 p.40; Ex.11 p.41   Find some information about other music festivals in the UK, USA and Belarus for the speaking point “Music festivals”.   Write an advertisementof the Proms (5-10 sentences)“You can’t miss it! ”  
07-13. 12. Read the text “From North to South”; Horizons, pp. 101.   Describe the pictures after the text and write captions for them. Be ready to make a “musical tour” round Britain as a guide.   Write about yourself: “The last time I went to a concert / was at a music festival”
14-20. 12. Listen to the tape Morris Dancers; Word study Ex.6-8 p.50; Ex.9 p.51. Follow the guide to the tape. Read the text “Folk Music” (see below). Sum up the information: a) about the origin and history of folk music b) folk instruments and dances.   Make a small vocabulary / content test for your group mates based on the text “Folk Music”.
21-31. 12. Vocabulary revision. Put down the vocabulary definitions in the language learning diary. Plan or write down the speaking point “Music festivals in GB”. Plan or write down the speaking point “Folk Music in GB”. Speak about your favourite composer \ musical genre \ group. You may present a piece of music in class.


Step 2. Listen to the recordings “English or Esperanto? ”; “Success through a Foreign Language”; “Are You a Good Language Learner? ”; “R. Moody. On British TV and Radio”; “Morris Dancers”. The tapes are available in room A -317 (MSLU).

Study the vocabulary. Do the guides. Add to the file of useful information and vocabulary items.


Step 3. Get down to Home Tests 1-3. After you are through with the tests, check your answers with the attached keys.

Step 4. Study the list of the relevant vocabulary items. Make sure you are able to explain the meaning of each item in English (consult a good English-English dictionary if necessary). Put down the definitions in English in your language learning diary.


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