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АвтомобилиАстрономияБиологияГеографияДом и садДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеталлургияМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРелигияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияТуризмФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Mark the variant that best completes the sentences. 1 If we _____ some spare time, we’d learn French.

1 If we _____________ some spare time, we’d learn French.

a)had b) have c)have had d)would have

2 If I ______________ to the party last night I would n`t have failed my exam.

a)didn`t went b) hadn`t gone c)wouldn`t go d) didn`t go

3 What _______________ if you found some buried treasure?

a)did you do b) had you done c)will you do d) would you do

4 What`ll happen when the train _____________?

a)stop b) will stop c)stops d)stopped

5 _________ you change your job if you were in my position?

a)can b) would c)did d)must


Variant X

1 Children learn languages_________ than adults.

A-faster B-more faster C-fastest

2 United are great! They are _________ club in the world.

A-the biggest B- bigger C most big

3 I haven’t eaten _____ as you.

A- too much B- as much C- much more

4 It makes no difference, because this sweater is ____ as that one.

A-as expensive B- expensive C- more expensive

5 The bigger the supermarket is, __________ the choice is.

A-the wider B- wider C-more wider


Variant X

40 Most of the pollution in the city centre _____ by traffic jam.

A-is caused B- are caused C- were caused

45 Two letters _______ this morning by the postman.

A-were delivered B- is delivered C- was delivered

18 About 3, 000 workers_______ by this corporation next year.

A-are employed B- employed C- will be employed

44 The students _______ round the museum by a guide.

A-shown B- was shown C- were shown

42 My car _______ by a mechanic recently.

A-has been fixed B- are fixed C- fixed


Variant X

47 There was nothing on TVI went to bed.

A but _______________ B because C so

48 All the cafes were full it was a public holiday.

A so ______________ B because C and

22 My children don’t like tea ______ _they like milk.

A because B so C but

49 She wanted to be a doctorshe studied hard not to fail her exams.

A and______________ B because C although

50_ ______ they sometimes fight a bit, they are friends.

A so _______________ B although C because

6 We were simply too tired _________ we decided not to go out for a meal.

A but B that is why C because


Variant X


1 I can’t find my keys. I had them a minute ________________.

a) before b) back c) ago d) behind

2 We do most of our business ________________ summer.

a) at b) on c)while d) in

3 I’ve got _________________ the station just in time to see Jack off.

a) at b) to c) in d)into

4 I’m taking my driving test at four o’clock _____________ July 3-rd.

a) at b)in c)of d)on

5 We walked _______________ the stairs to the top floor.

a)up b)down c) along d)through

6 We are looking for a flat ____________________ three bedrooms.

a)of b)from c) with d) for

7. Benjamin was proud _______________ himself for winning the prize.

a) in b) for c) of d) with

8 Sydney in Australia is famous _____________ its Opera House.

a) for b) from c) with d) about

9 We won’t start the meeting ____________ everyone is here. We need everybody’s opinion.

a) while b) on c) until d) when

10 The firefighters rescued many people ______________ the burning building.

a) out of b) from c) at d) in

11 I quite like fish, but It depends ____________ the way it is cooked.

a) from b) on c) in d) by

12 Polly wants to cycle round the world. I’m interested __________ the idea too.

a) about b) in c) on d) with

13 We get lots of requests __________ help.

a) at b) for c) of d) on

14 I congratulate Mary_______ getting the new job.

a) for b) on c) with d) in

15 Chris is good __________sports.

a) for b) with c) during d) at


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