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V111. Position Papers

KazEU MUN 2012

Guidebook to Rules and Procedures

Section 1 - General Information

Rules and Procedures

The rules and procedures are to be used as the standard guideline throughout the Kazakh Economic University by T.Ryskulov 2nd Annual MUN Conference. They should be read before the beginning of the conference and will be adopted as the rules and procedures for the conference. The rules and procedures can only be change within a committee if a Chair gives prior notice at the commencement of a session.

General Conduct

It is expected that all delegates throught\out the conference will show respect and courtesy to all other particapants, the committee Chairs, staff and students of Kazakh Economic University by T.Ryskulov, as well as auxilary staff. If a delegate fails to adhere to Rule 11 the delegate may be called to order by their Chairs. If a delegate continues to act in an inappropriate manner they may receive a warning and that may result in suspension from their committees. Repeated acts of misconduct may result in explusion from the conference.


The offical langugae of all committee sessions and the conference shall be English. Delegates are also requested to refrain from speaking other langages when not in session given that all delegates are not guaranteed to know any other language than the offical language.

V. Dress Code

It is expected that all delegates wear formal wear when attending the conference. Requirements for formal wear means for gentlemen a suit, dress shirt and a tie. Formal wear for women means business attire. Please do not wear national dress, torn jeans or jeans of any sort, clothing with advertisments or provative clothing. If events (eg: discos, cultural events or sightseeing) are scheduled outside of session times the dress code is not applicable.

Section 2 - Pre-Conference Preparation

V11. Research for the conference

It is expected that all delegates will have thoroughly researched their countries and topics and would have extentsive knowledge. All delegates should have a very good understanding about their country and their position on the issues which will be discussed in their respective committees. Knowledge required would include historical background, treaties, current news regarding topics which will be discussed in your committee, allies, stances on global issues, and how your country has supported or opposed issues.

V111. Position Papers

All delegates are to submit a position paper to their respective chair by the moodel. Position papers are to be at least 1 page in length (single-spaced) which outlines your country’s position on the topic to be discussed. Please refer to section which discusses what should be in a position paper.

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