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The young man put his arms around her neck and she kissed him.

" Farewell, disciple, " said the Master barely audibly and began melting into the air. He vanished, and Margarita vanished with him. The balcony grille closed.

Ivanushka became resdess. He sat up in bed, looked around anxiously, even groaned, began talking to himself, and then got up. The thunderstorm was raging with increasing fury, and, apparently, had agitated his soul. It also upset him that his ears, accustomed now to perpetual silence, caught the sounds of anxious footsteps and muffled voices coming from outside his door. In a nervous state, he called out, trembling, " Praskovya Fyodorovna! "

As she came into his room, Praskovya Fyodorovna gave Ivanushka

Time (o go! Time to go! 317

An anxious and inquiring glance.

" What is it? What's the matter? * she asked. " Is the storm upsetting you? Well, never you mind, never you mind... We'll make you feel better right away. I'll call for the doctor."

" No, Praskovya Fyodorovna, you don't have to call for the doctor, " said Ivanushka, looking restlessly not at Praskovya Fyodorovna, but at the wall. " There's nothing particularly the matter. I understand everything now, don't be afraid. But won't you tell me, " asked Ivan with feeling, " what just happened next door, in Room 118? "

" In 118? " repeated Praskovya Fyodorovna, and her eyes began darting all around. " Why, nothing happened there." But her voice sounded fake. Ivanushka noticed that immediately and said, " Oh, Praskovya Fyodorovna! You're such a truthful person... Do you think I'm going to fly into a rage? No, Praskovya Fyodorovna, that won't happen. Why don't you just tell me. I can sense what's going on through the wall anyway."

" Your neighbor just died, " whispered Praskovya Fyodorovna, unable to overcome her innate truthfulness and goodness, and clothed in the brilliance of the lightning, she looked in fear at Ivanushka. But nothing terrible happened to Ivanushka. He simply raised his finger meaningfully and said, " I knew it! I can assure you, Praskovya Fyodorovna, someone else just died in the city. I even know who." Here Ivanushka smiled mysteriously. " It was a woman."


On Sparrow Hills


HE thunderstorm had passed without leaving a trace, and a multicolored rainbow had formed an arch over the entire city and was drinking water from the Moscow River. High on a hill between two groves of trees three dark silhouettes could be seen. Woland, Korovyov, and Behemoth sat mounted on black horses, gazing at the city that stretched out on the other side of the river, at the fragmented sun gleaming in the thousands of windows facing westward, toward the gingerbread towers of Novodevichy Convent.

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