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Глава 7. 1. Dr. A.T. Still quoted in Dr

1. Dr. A.T. Still quoted in Dr. Rollin Becker, Life in Motion (Rudra Press, 1997): 116.
2. Hugh Milne. The Heart of Listening (North Atlantic Books, 1995): 2.
3. Matthew Appleton R.C.S.T. Every Body Tells a Story. South West Connection (Wessex Connections Ltd., April/July 2000).
4. Dr. W.G. Sutherland D.O. quoted in Dr. H. Magoun, Osteopathy in the Cranial Field (3rd ed. Sutherland Cranial Teaching Foundation, 1976): 99.
5. Michael Burghley. The Heart of the Healer (Asian Publishing, 1987): 19.
6. Dr. A.T. Still. Autobiography of A.T. Still (A.T. Still, 1908; reprinted by American Academy of Osteopathy, 1981): 224.
7. Franklyn Sills M.A., R.C.S.T. Craniosacral Biodynamics (draft version; North Atlantic Books, 2001).
8. Michael Shea. Somatic Cranial Work (Shea Educational Group, 1997): 81.
9. Sills. Craniosacral Biodynamics.
10. Shea. Somatic Cranial Work: 81.
11. Dr. H. Magoun. Osteopathy in the Cranial Field (3rd ed. Sutherland Cranial Teaching
Foundation, 1976): 99.
12. Magoun. Osteopathy in the Cranial Field: 100.
13. Dr. W.C. Sutherland. Teachings in the Science of Osteopathy (Rudra Press. 1991): 14.
14. Dr. James Jealous D.O. Around the Edges. The Tide (UK Sutherland Society, Spring 1996).
15. Анекдот, рассказанный Колином Перроу
16. Sills. Craniosacral Biodynamics.
17. Sills. Craniosacral Biodynamics.
18. Carlos Castaneda. The Teachings of Don Juan (Penguin Books, 1976): 182.
19. Franklyn Sills M.A.. R.C.S.T. Karuna Institute Prospectus (1999).
20. Dr. Rollin Becker D.O. Diagnostic Touch: Its Principles and Application, Part 3 (Academy of Applied Osteopathy Yearbook, 1964).
21. Ibid.
22. Dr. James Jealous D.O. Healing and the Natural World [interview by Bonnie Harrigan], Alternative Therapies 3.1 (January 1997): 68-76.
23. Dr. Rollin Becker D.O. Life in Motion (Rudra Press. 1997): 5.
24. Sills. Lecture on the Tides.
25. Dr. Rollin Becker D.O. Diagnostic Touch: Its Principles and Application Part 4: Trauma and Stress, vol. 2 (Academy of Applied Osteopathy Yearbook. 1965).
26. The term " relational field” was coined by Maura Sills.
27. Sills. Craniosacral Biodynamics. vol. 2 (North Atlantic, 2004): 6.
28. Becker. Life in Motion: 245.
29. Sills. Craniosacral Biodynamics.
30. Sutherland, quoted in Dr. Rollin Becker. Life in Motion (Rudra Press, 1997): 34.
31. Sills. Craniosacral Biodynamics.
32. Dr. Rollin Becker. The Cerebrospinal Fluid as a Mechanism. The Cranial Letter 47.1 (Winter): 6-7.
33. Dr. Rollin Becker. The Stillness of Life (Stillness Press, 2000): 30.
34. Becker. The Stillness of Life: 74-92.
35. Из истории, рассказанной В.С. Ринпоч (Лондон, 1996).
36. Dianne М. Connelly. All Sickness Is Homesickness (2nd ed. Traditional Acupuncture Institute, 1993): 5.
37. Becker. Life in Motion: 246.
38. Dr. John Upledger and Jon Vredevoogd. Craniosacral Therapy (Eastland Press, 1983): 21.
39. Douglas Janssen R.C.S.T. R.P.P. Training Prospectus (Craniosacral Institute, 2000).
40. Sills. Craniosacral Biodynamics.
41. Sills. Lecture on the Tides.
42. Ven. Cyetrul Jigme Rinpoche. The Teachings and Practices of King Gesar of Ling [talk in London] (September 1999).
43. Анекдот, рассказанный Колином Перроу.
44. Sills. Craniosacral Biodynamics.
45. Dr. Viola Frymann D.O. Collected Papers of Viola Frymann (American Academy of Osteopathy, 1998): 68.
46. Frymann. Collecled Papers: 69.
47. Magoun. Osteopathy in the Cranial Field: 83.
48. Ibid. 85.
49. John Upledger. Your Inner Physician and You (North Atlantic Books. 1991): 30.
50. Becker. The Stillness of Life: 256.
51. Magoun. Osteopathy in the Cranial Field: 108.
52. Dr. Will Wilson R.C.S.T. The Mystery of Craniosacral Therapy. The Fulcrum (UK: Craniosacral Therapy Association, Winter 1998/99).
53. Becker. Life in Motion: 28.
54. Dr. W.G, Sutherland D.O. Contributions of Thought: 140.
55. Sutherland. Teachings in the Science of Osteopathy (Rudra Press, 1991): 14.
56. Sutherland. Contributions of Thought: 137.
57. T. S. Eliot, excerpt from “Burnt Norton”. Four Quartets (Faber and Faber, 1986): 15.
58. Dr. Rollin Becker D.O. Using the Stillness. Scientific Section of The Cranial Letter: The Teachings of Rollin E. Becker D.O. 51. 2 (May 1998).
59. Sutherland. Teachings in the Science of Osteopathy: 16.
60. Lao Tzu, Too Те Ching, excerpt from The Enlightened Heart, Stephen Mitchell (Harper and Row, 1989): 14.
61. Sutherland. Contributions of Thought: 137
62. Carole Manheim and Dianne Lavett. Craniosacral Therapy and Somato-Emotional Release (SLACK Inc., 1989): 83.
63. Sills. Craniosacral Biodynamics.
64. Katherine Ukleja D.O., R.C.S.T. and Claire Dolby D.O., R.C.S.T. training course notes.
65. R. Smoley. Exploring Craniosacral Therapy. Yoga Journal (May/June 1991): 20-24.
66. Manheim and Lavett. Craniosacral Therapy and Somato-Emotional Release: 83.
67. Franklyn Sills. The Polarity Process (Element Books, 1989): 135.
68. C. G. Jung. The Secret of the Golden Flower, trans. Carey Baynes (Arkana, 1984): 83.
69. Ambrose and Olga Worral. The Girt of Healing (Harper and Row, 1965): 123.
70. Becker. The Stillness of Life: 2.
71. Magoun. Osteopathy in the Cranial Field: 105.
72. Steve Haines D.C., R.C.S.T. personal communication.
73. Carlisle Holland D.O. and J. H. Holland. Perceptual Transference, a Scientific Basis for Intuition and Other Paranormal Experiences (unpublished), quoted in Shea, Somatic Cranial Work: 33
74. Becker. The Stillness of Life: 10.
75. Steve Haines D.C., R.C.S.T., personal communication.
76. Hermann Hesse. Magister Ludi. The Glass Bead Game (Bantam Books, 1980).

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