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III. Поставьте глаголы в Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous.

1. I (to read) this book for half an hour but I (to read) only thirty pages of it.

2. What you (to do) here at such a late hour?

3. You ever (to see) this film?

4. Julia (to have) a little brother whose name (to be) Tom.

5. Your friend (to know) who committed the crime?

6. Nelly (to look) for the keys the whole evening but (not to find) them yet.

7. Where (to be) Mark? – He (to go) home.


IV. Поставьте глаголы в Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect, Past Perfect Continuous.

1. The children (to do) their homework before mother (to come) home and when she (to come) they (to play) with the toys.

2. I (to write) my composition for two hours when Nick (to call) but I (not to write) even half of it.

3. Whom you (to see) when you (to drive) to town yesterday?

4. Why you (to be) so upset yesterday?



V. Поставьте глаголы в Future Simple, Future Continuous, Future Perfect, Future Perfect Continuous.

1. You (to read) this book tomorrow?

2. By the 5th of March she (to teach) for three years.

3. You (to write) your composition between 4 and 5 on Wednesday? – No, I (to write) it by Monday as the latest.

4. How many pages she (to read) by the end of the hour?

5. I (not to meet) you tomorrow, I (to take) a test at that time.

6. Jane (not to finish) the book by Thursday so she (to have) to keep it another two days.

7. Do you think she (to come) soon?


VI. Раскройте скобки

1. The boy (to refuse) … to admit that he (to break) … the window. So he (to send) … home to bring his parents to school.

2. Look, it (to get) … late. I (to miss) … the ten o'clock train if I (not to hurry) …. Jack said he (to come) … to pick me up. I don't know why he (not to appear) … yet. Perhaps he (to get) … into the traffic jam.

3. Yesterday Tom and Janice (to go) … to the zoo. They had an adventure there. While they (to walk) … by the giraffe, it (to begin) … to chew Janice's hat.

4. When Helen (to hear) … that her best friend (to deceive) … her she (to turn) … pale.

5. A bad accident (to happen) … on Highway 95 last night. Someone (to drive) … at high speed and a bicyclist (to hit) ….

6. Look at Erin. She (to cry) … and (to laugh) … at the same time. I wonder if she (to scream) … the next minute.



VII. Переведите из прямой речи в косвенную

1. “Have you seen Jane lately? ” asked Nick’s mother.

2. “Hand in your exercise-books, please, ” the teacher said.

3. “I didn’t go to the cinema last week, ” complained Jessica.

4. “Paris is the most beautiful place in the world, ” thought Paul.

5. “Is there anything to eat in the fridge? ” wondered little Jack.

6. “The war started in 1812, ” said the lecturer.

7. “Where are my glasses? ” wondered Granny.

8. “Don’t bother me now, ” demanded Ross.

9. “The earth is full of wonders, ” remarked a little girl.

10. “It is not allowed to cross the street when the red light is on, ” said the policeman.


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