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Edit]Challenge #1: Hip-Hop Decathlon

The three remaining crews had to demonstrate their versatility by creating a routine that incorporated five different hip-hop dance styles. Although the crews performed only five styles, MTV chose to refer to the challenge as a decathlon. All crews were given the same five styles and songs, and they received help from five guest ABDC alumni from the previous two seasons. Each alumnus/alumna was assigned to one of the dance styles the crews will be responsible for. The setting in the video that the crews were supposed to watch to learn the styles was in Rob Dyrdek's Fantasy Factory.

Song Style Guest
" Poker Face" by Lady Gaga Threading Ronnie " Ronnie Boy" Abaldonado of Super Cr3w
" I'm in Miami (LA), Trick" by LMFAO" Waving Kevin " KB" Brewer of JabbaWockeeZ
" Love Lockdown" by Kanye West Tutting Mike Song of Kaba Modern
" Closer" by Ne-Yo Housing Taeko Carroll of Fysh N Chicks
" Get Up" by 50 Cent Krumping Antoine " Frost" Troupe of Supreme Soul

§ Safe: Beat Freaks

§ Bottom 2: Quest Crew, Fly Khicks

§ Eliminated: Fly Khicks

Edit]Challenge #2: Last Chance Challenge

The crews created original beats to groove to during their routine for the Last Chance Challenge to show America why they should be crowned the winner. The remaining two crews then performed their prepared routines before the lines open for the final voting session of the season.

Crew Performance Title
Beat Freaks Freak the Dream
Quest Crew OrQUESTra

Edit]Week 8: The Live Finale

§ Aired on March 5, 2009

The eliminated crews of season 3 returned and teamed up with the remaining two crews for the judge's choice of crews collaboration. The judges each picked three crews that complemented each other and their dance-styles. Instead of going head-to-head, Quest Crew and Beat Freaks teamed up for their last performance.

Crews Song
Shane Sparks: Quest Crew, Strikers All-Stars, and Dynamic Edition " Right Round" by Flo Rida
JC Chasez: Beat Freaks, Team Millennia and Boxcuttuhz " Just Dance" by Lady Gaga
Lil Mama: Fly Khicks, Ringmasters, and G.O.P Dance " Numba 1 (Tide Is High)" by Kardinal Offishall featuring Keri Hilson
Quest Crew and Beat Freaks " Beggin'" by Madcon
Quest Crew " On Top of The World'" by T.I. featuring Ludacris

On March 5, 2009 Quest Crew was crowned the winner of America's Best Dance Crew Season 3, while Beat Freaks was declared the runner-up.

§ Winner: Quest Crew

§ Runner-up: Beat Freaks



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