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Questions. 1. Tastes differ. Can you say the same about hobbies?


1. Tastes differ. Can you say the same about hobbies?

2. Have you chosen a hobby according to your character and taste?

3. Which hobby groups do you know?

4. The most popular hobby group is doing things, isn't it? What kind of activities does this group include?

5. What do you know about gardening?

6. Do you like computer games?

7. Are you fond of making things?

8. Do you know any famous hobbyists?

9. Have you ever collected anything?

10. What can be collected?

11. Do you know of any private collections that were given to museums or art galleries?

12. Do you agree that learning can be the most exciting aspect of a hobby? Why?



The party

Part I


Simon What a wonderful surprise! My aunt and uncle are so kind. They remember my birthday every year. I've already received one present. Mum's parents have sent me two pounds (£ 2). My grandparents send me money every year. Dad's parents haven't sent me anything yet. My grandmother's written me a letter. She's making me a sweater but she hasn't finished it yet. My grandfather's sending me something, too. It hasn't come yet. I've already seen my parents' present. It's been in their wardrobe since yesterday. It's either a football or a pair of football boots. Of course I haven't opened the parcel yet.


Part 2

The presents

Mrs. Fenton Why don't you.sit on that sofa to open your presents? No one can see you in that corner. Which one are you opening first?
Simon Tim's present.
Tim Oh no, don't open my present first. Open Sheila's present first.
Simon All right. Oh, what a wonderful record!
Mrs. Fenton What kind of record is it?

Simon Jazz... Why don't we listen to it?

Mrs. Fenton What a good idea! Jane, put your brother's record on the record player. Which one do you want to open next Simon?
Simon Give me Tim's present, please. Another record.... Thanks, Tim.
Mrs. Fenton Why don't you open your parents' present next? Which one is it?
Simon I've already seen it.
Mrs. Fenton What is it?

Simon It's either football or a pair of football boots. No, I'm wrong... It's a radio... gosh!


At the table

Mrs. Fenton Who's coming into the dining-room for tea?

Mr. Hunt Everyone's coming.

Mrs. Fenton Don't sit here, Simon. This is your seat,

Simon I'm sorry. Who’s sitting next to me?

Mrs. Fenton That's your uncle's seat.

Tim Which is my chair, Mum?

Mrs. Fenlon This one, and that's Sheila's chair next to you. And Jane's seat is here beside me. Sit down, everyone.
Mr. Hunt Simon, would you turn off your radio, please? You can listen to it later.
Simon I'm sorry.

Mrs. Fenton Can someone help me in the kitchen, please?
Jane Of course, Aunt Carol.


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