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Hardware and Software

All computers consist of hardware. This includes the computer itself and all other related physical devices. The other pieces of the computer system include software, the instructions that tell the computer what tasks to perform; data, the information the computer works on; and the user, who ultimately tell the computer what to do, and for whom the computer does all its work.

All computers use the same basic techniques for carrying out the tasks we give them. The computer takes in data through input devices, it manipulates the data according to its instructions, it outputs the results of its processing, and it stores data for later use. These four processes together are known as the computing cycle.

Input is the process of entering data into the computer. The most common device used for input on microcomputers is the keyboard. Computer keyboards include many special command and function keys to perform specialized input tasks as well as the usual typewriter layout. Other input devices include a mouse, which manipulates a pointer on the computer screen for giving commands and entering data; a scanner, which reads graphic images and pages of text and sends them to the computer; a modem, which receives data over phone lines; and several other devices.

Once data is in a microcomputer, it is processed by the microprocessor and its associated integrated circuits chips. Microprocessors perform all calculations and manipulations necessary to transform data into meaningful information. Associated with the processor is the computer’s memory, which is used for storing data and programs while they’re being used by the processor.

Getting processed data out of the computer is the job of output devices. The computer can display the data on a monitor screen, of which there are several types: colour or monochrome, flat-panel or picture tube, desktop or portable. You can also send data to a printer or plotter to make a paper copy, use the modem to send the data over a phone line to another computer, or use any number of specialized output devices.

What do you do if you want to keep the data into permanent form? That’s what storage devices are for. Storage devices hold data permanently, so you can save it and retrieve it later. All microcomputers use disks to store data magnetically. Each type at disk is used by its corresponding disk drive to read and write information. Floppy disks are used for easy, portable storage, and built-in hard disks are used for more permanent storage of larger amounts of data and programs for fast access. Other common storage devices include optical disks (such as CD-ROM) and magnetic tape.

A program is a group of instructions that tells the processing devices what to do. Software can be a single program or a set of programs that work together. Because their meanings are very similar, the terms software (or a piece of software) and program are often used interchangeably.

Two types of software are necessary to make the computer capable of performing useful work. They are the operating system and application software. The operating system contains basic instructions that tell the CPU how to use other hardware devices, where to find programs, and how to load and keep track of programs in memory. Because it includes basic instructions that are vital to the internal functioning of the computer, the operating system is the first program to be processed after the computer is turned on, and it remains in memory until the computer is turned off.

For the computer to perform useful tasks, it needs application software in addition to the operating system. An application is a job that a computer can perform, such as creating text documents, manipulating sets of numbers, creating graphic images, and communicating with other computers. Application software is the term used to describe programs that tell the computer hoe to perform such jobs. The six most common types of application software are:

  • Word processing software
  • Graphics software
  • Desktop publishing software
  • Spreadsheet software
  • Database management software
  • Communications software

Application software is what makes a computer a tool for performing the tasks we most often need to complete at school, at home, or at office


Exercise 1. Fill in the gaps:


  1. … hold data permanently, so you can save it and retrieve it later.
  2. The computer can display the data on a ….
  3. The types of … are necessary to make a computer capable of performing useful work.
  4. … is a job that a computer can perform.
  5. All computers consist of ….
  6. The computer … data through input devices.
  7. These four processes together are known as ….
  8. Microprocessors perform all … and … necessary to transform data into meaningful information.


Exercise 2. Make up sentences, using the table.

Input is a group of instructions that tells the processing devices what to do.
The computer’s memory a job that a computer can perform.
Each type at a disk the process of entering data into the computer
An application used for storing data and programs
A program used by its corresponding disk drive to read and write information.
Application software the term used to describe programs that tell the computer how to perform such jobs.



Exercise 3. Translate into Ukrainian paying attention to the underlined words.

1. Hardware includes the computer itself and all other related physical devices. 2. The most common device used for input on microcomputers is keyboard. 3. Once data is in a computer, it is processed by the microprocessor and its associated integrated circuit chips. 4. Storage devices hold data permanently. 5. A program is a group of instructions that tells the processing devices what to do. 6. They are the operating system and application software. 7. Microprocessors perform all calculations and manipulations necessary to transform data into meaningful information.


Exercise 4. Put questions to the text.

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