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A few words about my friend and his family

Dialogue 1.


- How do you do! Glad to meet you!

- How do you do! I’m glad to see you too. Who are you?

- Let me introduce myself. I am Anna. My full name is Anna Ivanova. And what is your name?

- My name is Galina, Galina Markova. Now I am a first-year student.

- Glad to hear it. I am a second-year student. I study at thе pedagogical faculty. I study psychology [saiʹ kɔ lə ʤ i] at the Institute. I’m so fond of studying there. Listen, Galina, are you from Naberezhnye Chelny?

- No, I’m not. I’m from Bavly. And where are you from?

- I’m from Naberezhnye Chelny. It is my native town. I live here for a long time.

- Oh! Sorry, Anna! What time is it now?

- It is 9 o’clock by my watch. Are you late?

- Yes, I am in a hurry. I’m so sorry. See you tomorrow.

- O.K. So long!


Vocabulary Notes

1. name (noun) – имя, фамилия, полное имя. На вопрос What is your name? можно сообщить как полностью имя и фамилию, так и только имя или только фамилию. Можно задать также уточняющие вопросы:

- What is your first (Christian) name? - My first (Christian) name is Lyudmila.

- What is your surname (family name)? - My surname (family name) is Sergeyeva.

2. to introduce [ˏ intrə ʹ dju: s] oneself – представиться, познакомиться:

Let me introduce myself.

to introduce smb. to smb. – познакомить кого-либо с кем-либо:

Let me introduce my friend to you.

Let me introduce a friend of mine to you.

Let me introduce Alic’s friend to you.

Менее официально: Meet my friend Nick, mother.

3. nearly [ʹ niə li] почти; приблизительно, около, рядом; близко

4. to be fond of – нравиться, любить, обожать кого-либо, что-либо

5. to be just out of school [ʹ ʤ ᴧ st aut ə v ʹ sku: l]– только что окончить школу

6. to be busy with [ʹ bizi wi: ð ]– заниматься чем-либо

7. to be attentive [ə 'tentiv] – быть внимательным

8. to become (a pianist) [biʹ kᴧ m] становиться, стать кем-либо (пианистом)

9. to be married [mæ rid] – быть женатым (замужем)

to be married to smb. – быть женатым на ком-либо / замужем за кем-либо

10. to be (a doctor) by profession [prə ʹ feʃ ə n]– быть (врачом) по профессии

11. to work [ʹ wə: k] работать, трудиться

to work at school – работать в школе

to work at one’s project – работать над проектом

12. to be full of life and energy [ʹ enə ʤ i] полон жизненных сил и энергии




Let me introduce my friend to you. His name is Nicolai, Nick for short. His full name is Nicolai Barsov. He is nearly seventeen – next Wednesday is his birthday. He’s just out of school. Now Nick lives in Naberezhnye Chelny. His parents live in the village.

Today he is a first-year student. He studies at the Institute, at the philological faculty. Nick is fond of Russian and Literature, that’s why he studies there.

Nicolai goes to the Institute every day. Classes at his Institute begin at half past eight in the morning. Nick works hard and he is very attentive in class.

Nicolai and all students in his group learn English. They have two English classes a week. It is interesting to learn a foreign language. Nick is fond of English. He wants to master it. He is busy with English with great pleasure. He always prepares his homework, learns new words, does a lot of exercises, reads, writes and speaks English. He speaks also on various topics good enough. Nick’s dream is to become a good teacher and to work at school.

His parents have two more children besides him. Thus Nicolai has got an older brother and a younger sister. His sister Olga is 14, she is a schoolgirl. Olga is very fond of music and her dream is to become a pianist.

Nicolai’s brother Alec is 30 years old. Alec is a builder. He is married and has a family of his own. Alec has a wife and two children – a son and a daughter. They are twins. His wife’s name is Nina; she is a doctor by profession, Nina is a surgeon. They live in Kazan.

Nicolai’s parents are not old at all. Father is 54, and Mother is 50. Both are teachers and work at school. They are full of life and energy and fond of their children very much.



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