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Discovering language


1. Choose the correct form of the predicates in brackets.

1) Blake worked without a contract which (prevented/had prevented) him from receiving a golden parachute pay.

2) Kay figured that Rolls-Royce’s prices (left/had left) plenty of room for low-price competitors.

3) Mr. Smith said that much of the apparent growth in profits that (occurred/had occurred) in the 80s (was/had been) the result of creative accounting.

4) Cray Research Inc reported surprisingly weak results for the second quarter which (indicated/had indicated) lower earnings for the year.

5) Dunhill was sitting on a share capital of £ 179 mln last year, then it (shrank/had shrunk) to £ 120 mln due to standings in Europe.

6) Pittard’s share price tumbled when the price of sheepskins (collapsed/had collapsed).

7) Howard Klein said that the fall in the Airtours share price(raised/had raised) serious concerns.


2. Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets in the proper tense form (the Past Simple or the Past Perfect).

1) I couldn’t get into the office because I (to lose) my key.

2) We couldn’t use that logotype, because one of our competitors already (to choose) it.

3) I found about the vacancy too late. When my application form arrived, they (to appoint) another person.

4) By the time he sold off the shares, his original investment (to fall) by 13 per cent.

5) When I returned to the firm, I was surprised to hear that the boss (to put) my colleague in charge of the project.

6) The bank returned the cheque because I (not to sign) it.

7) The office was empty because everybody (to go) home.


3. Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets in the proper tense form.

1) Managers in British companies needed to understand that they (to deal) with human beings and not machines.

2) They said that the UK business people (to lose) their way and the things (to go) downhill fast.

3) Many people claimed that Japanese companies (to make) products cheaper and better quality than UK ones.

4) Frank Farrant, a finance director, said the first task (to be) to increase Adidas’ profitability into about 10 per cent in two or three year’s time.

5) I wondered how much the model (to cost).

6) His colleagues knew the real reason for Sloan’s success: he (to be) a man who always (to put) business first.

7) LBS Ltd. researchers believed deregulation and technological advance (to add) to the concentration of the three main financial centers: London, New York and Tokyo.




1 The United Kingdom or Great Britain?

How was the United Kingdom formed?

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