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Read and translate the resume.

Answer the questions:

1. What position is Stephen Lo interested in?

2. What was his previous place of work?

3. What job has Stephen Lo today?

4. Name the educational establishments that he has graduated.

5. What languages can Stephen Lo speak?

6. Can he drive a car?


1.4. This is Crystal Danziger's resume. Read her interview and fill in all the possible information

Crystal Danziger's interview (I — the interviewer, СCrystal)

I: Come in, Ms Danziger. Did you have a good trip?

C: It was OK. I got in on the early flight this morning.

I: Ah, you're from Los Angeles, aren't you?

C: I live in L.A. at the present time, but I'm originally from New York. Of course, I'm not often in L.A. I travel a lot.

I: Tell me about your present job.

C: I'm a sales representative for a book publisher. We sell guide books and maps. I travel around Latin America. You see from my resume that I speak Spanish and Portuguese. I majored in Spanish for my Bachelor's degree.

I: Where did you get your degree?

C: I got it from the University of Chicago. Then, after that, I did my Master's at the University of New


I: And do you speak any Asian languages?

C: No, but I learn fast. I majored in languages.

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