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Exercise 6

Supply prepositions or adverbs where necessary.

1.The quality is excellent …… the price. 2.They have a very good selection …… ties …… different shades to choose. 3.These are all …… the same price. It’s a bargain. 4.“Would you like to pay now, or do you want it delivered c.o.d. (cash on delivery)? ” “I’ll pay …… once.”5.I would like to have a look …… one …… the blue dresses. 6. I want a silk dress …… summer wear. Show me something …… light blue. Where can I try it ……? 7.I asked …… woollen underwear but it was …… …… stock. 8.Oh, you look perfect …… it! It suits…… you, really! 9.This is too expensive …… me. I can’t afford it. 10.I needed a new pair …… shoes, so I went …… a shoe shop, tried …… ten pairs and finally bought one …… very good brown leather. 11. Nat called …… the jewellery shop to buy a birthday present …… her sister. They showed her some lovely earrings, necklaces and bracelets, but she finally decided …… a very pretty brooch. 12. I bought a new fridge and a washing machine and had them sent …… my address. 13. These jackets are reduced.… price. 14. He bought many things …. mail order. 15. I asked ….. a refund. 16. The fourth floor is entirely taken ….. footwear. 17. It’s a bargain …. the price. 18. What do you have …. stock in the way of wollen skirts? 19. Will you make ….. the bill, please? 20. They have very nice glace court shoes ….. display. 21. ‘I’ll pay …. delivery’ she said. 22. What size do you take …… shoes?


& Reading

Read, learn and act out the following conversations.

- Can I help you?

- Could you show us that perfume over there? How much does it cost?

- 225 hryvnyas.

- It’s too expensive.

- I don’t think so. It’s a French perfume and it smells nice.

- O. K. I’ll take it.

- I’d like a grey suit, please.

- Very well, sir. What size do you take in suits?

- I’m not quite sure. Besides sizes differ in different countries. I’d better try it on.

- Here are the latest styles… I think this one will fit you. You can change in the fitting-booth over there.

- Thank you.

- How do you find me, Victor? Does it suit me?

- Oh, yes, you look elegant in it. But it seems to me it’s a bit too loose in the shoulders.

- I wouldn’t say that. I feel comfortable in it. I wonder how much it is.

- 980 hryvnyas.

- A bit too expensive. But all the same I’m going to take it. I like the style and the colour. Besides, it’s pure wool. (to the shop-assistant). I’m taking it. Where do I pay? Shop-assistant: This way at the cash desk, please.

- And now you need a shirt and a tie to go with your new suit.

- I have a new shirt and a tie. I think they’ll match the suit perfectly.

- Then let’s drop in at the shoe department. I need shoes for everyday wear.

- I want a pair of walking shoes, please. My size is 42.

- Will you try these on?

- Oh, no, I don’t want lace-shoes. I want moccasins.

- Very well. Here are the moccasins. What do you think of them?

- They are too narrow. The right one pinches me terribly.

- But they’ll get a little larger with wear.

- Please, show me another pair.

- Shall I get you size 43? Perhaps 42 is too small.

- No, 42 is my size. But I don’t like these pointed toes. Will you show me shoes with square or round toes?

- Here you are. Try this pair on, will you?

- These shoes are just my size. I’ll take this pair and a box of boot polish. How much do I owe you?

- 347 hryvnyas, please.


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