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Exercise 3

Choose the right variant: Past Perfect or Present Perfect

1. Aunt Polly punished Tom Sawyer because he (be) a naughty boy.

a) has been b) had been

2. Why are you so unhappy? – I (lose) my purse.

a) have lost b) had lost

3. Sam was upset because Judy (not/come).

a) hasn’t come b)hadn’t come

4. Mother asked the children if they (buy) some biscuits for tea.

a) has bought b) had bought

5. I (leave) some photos to be developed. Are they ready?

a) have left b) had left

6. Tell Tommy about these wonderful islands. He never (hear) about them.

a) has never heard b) had never heard

7. I’m so happy to see you again. I (not/see) you since I left Berks.

a) hadn’t seen b) haven’t seen

8. She said she (not/see) him since she left Berks.

a) hadn’t seen b) hasn’t seen

9. When she returned home, he (already/cook) dinner.

a) had already cooked b) has already cooked

10. Who (read) this book?

a) has read b) had read


Exercise 4

Open the brackets and put the verbs into the Future Perfect Tense

1. She ___________ (to cook) dinner by the time you come.

2. The tutor _________ (to look through) all our tests by the end of the week.

3. The film already ________ (to start) when we get there.

4. I _________ (to finish) this book by next month.

5. My parents ________ (to go) to bed when we come back from the theatre.

6. The lecture _________ (to be over) by 5 and the last student will have left the hall.

7. It _________(to stop) raining by the time we get there.

8. By the time you get home you __________ (to forget) everything.

9. Ann _______ (to come) back by the moment the play starts.

10. By 2100 computers ________ (to take over) many of the jobs that people do today.

Exercise 5

You are first year students. You spent not much time at the university. What have done yet?

Example 1: I have already twice visited the library.

Example 2: I have already been to the university swimming–pool.

Exercise 6

React to the suggestion using the Present Perfect Tense as in the model.

The following adverbial phrases may be of some help to you:

this week, this month, this year, this morning, this evening.

Example: Let’s go to the swimming–pool.

– No, thanks. I have already been there in the morning.


1. Let’s go to the library this evening to prepare for our physics classes.

2. Let’s go to the cinema to see ”Nochnoy Dozor”.

3. Why don’t we go to visit our grandmother this week.

4. Let’s dedicate this poem to Svetlana.

5. Let’s go to see Paris this summer.

6. Let’s not miss lectures on History this week.


Exercise 7

You are 18 year old students. You are young but I am sure you have some achievements in your life. Think of them and formulate them using the model

Model: I have finished a secondary school and the Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University. I have visited many foreign countries: Germany, the USA and Great Britain are among them.

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