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Выберите правильную форму инфинитива.

1. The juries are (to decide) the facts.

2. He is known (to be) a good lawyer.

3. The fingerprints of the criminal are unlikely (to find).

4. He is glad (to investigate) the case.

5. You had better (to adopt) a child.

6. (to steal) is a crime.

7. The main problem is (to find) the witness of the crime.

8. Who helped the policemen (to catch) the robber?

9. The lawyer seems (to study) the papers now.

10. The man happened (to kill) several days before.

Translate the sentences into Russian.

Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. The plan of the criminals was easy enough to fulfill.

2. The detective began to look for the evidence.

3. The plan of the criminal was to rob a bank.

4. This is the form for you to fill.

5. He was the last to see the woman alive.

6. Who was the last to see the missing boy?

7. The case is too difficult for the police to investigate.

8. I think him to be an experienced lawyer.

9. We suppose the work of the police to be stressful.

10. The boys heard two men quarrel in the yard.

Lexical Test 4

Choose the correct word or word-combination (Only one variant is possible).

Выберите правильное слово или словосочетание (возможен только один вариант).

1. Atrial by jury is alegal...

A – proceeding; B – judge; C – discussion; D – business.

2. A jury makes findings of ….

A – cases; B – affairs; C – facts; D – rights.

3. At а … trial a judge makes all decisions.

A – bench; B – criminal; C – jury; D – legal.

4. Jury trials are used in serious … cases.

A – criminal; B – civil; C – family; D – international.

5. The US and Canada use jury trials in a wide variety of civil ….

A – law; B – affairs; C – matters; D – cases.

6. The availability of a trial by jury in American … varies.

A – jurisdictions; B – courts; C – cases; D – laws.

7. The US legal … separated from that of the England.

A – jurisdiction; B – system; C – proceeding; D – jury.

8. In modern English law only criminal proceedings are … by a jury.

A – heard; B – taken; C – discuss; D – found.

9. Jury trials are more important in countries with a … law system.

A – family; B – business; C – civil; D – common.

10. … juries consist of 16 to 23 citizens.

A – Petit; B – Grand; C – Trial; D – No.

11. Jurors are selected … from the voter registration lists.

A – basically; B – usually; C – at random; D – at court.

12. Jury … will normally last for two weeks.

A – service; B – trial; C – court; D – pay.

13. You are only … from jury service in a limited number of circumstances.

A – out; B – exempt; C – select; D – consist.

14. Your employer doesn’t have to pay you while you are on … service.

A – jury; B – trial; C – court; D – duty.

15. Some states will pay … for their service.

A – citizens; B – jurors; C – witnesses; D – criminals.


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